The German Energiewende between politics and physics - not just about e-mobility
Holger Lieberwirth
University Professor; Director of Institute of Mineral Processing Machines at Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
Invited by the Forum Energiewende e.V., Freiberg, Germany, high ranking experts from politics, science and NGOs will present their views on opportunities and constraints of the Germany's path towards renewable energies. Organized by Prof. Georg Unland, former Minister of Finance of Saxony and Rector to the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, the online conference will offer a platform for renowned speakers, such as Günther H. Oettinger, who served among others as European Commissioner for Energy and European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Christian Hochfeld, Managing Director of Agora Verkehrswende e.V. and Dr. Robert Brandt, Managing Director of Agentur für erneuerbare Energien e.V.
Leading German scientists, holding chairs at the universities of Freiburg, Dresden, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chemnitz and Halle-Wittenberg will present their views on questions related to the challenging tasks of switching a developed economy with a high demand for reliable energy supplies to renewable energy sources. Energy generation will be discussed as well as transport and storage in various ways. For more information and free registration, please refer to
Looking forward to meeting you in Freiberg!
Holger Lieberwirth