German Elections the Day After

John Kornblum


On?September 26, much of the world took a deep breath and waited for the?results?of what had been called the most important German election in a generation.?But most German voters seemed to be unaware of the world’s interest. Instead of giving one or the other of the parties on the ballot a clear mandate, voters spread their support among six parties and gave no one a victory.?Each of the two leading vote getters claims a mandate to form a government.?

For most of the world, this is not an unusual outcome. Happens all the time. ?But for a Germany accustomed to rapid counting of the votes and near certainty of the results within a half hour of the polls closing, this is a confusing situation. The fact that the ?two big parties have only about 25% of the vote each, ?means that to be able to form the next government, each of them needs the support of some combination of?the smaller parties.?

In reality only two parties come in question.?Unfortunately, each of these two parties has a very specific philosophy which clashes with that of the other.?Getting them together with either the center right?CDU or the center left SPD will be ?herculean task.?But there is no other way out.??

The FDP follows a version of Manchester capitalism and pursues an agenda of low taxes, little regulation and individual freedom. ??The Greens grew out of the anti-nuclear energy?and peace movements of the 1980’s.?They have only recently moved closer to the main stream of German politics, and have even become admirers of NATO, which the SPD is not, except for its own candidate,?Olaf Scholz. ??.

Four years ago, Angela Merkel sought to negotiate a so-called Jamaica Coalition between the CDU and exactly these two parties.?After many weeks of discussion, the plan fell apart and the CDU was forced to return to the so-called “grand coalition” with the SPD .?

To complicate things even more,?Olaf Scholz?lost the race for party chairman a few years ago, amidst a dramatic leftward turn of the SPD membership.???If given the opportunity, can he actually gain party agreement for a coalition which, according to the September 26 results, must include the FDP.?And even if the SPD grudgingly goes along, can he ever build consensus between the FDP and the Greens??Conversely, could Mr. Laschet of the CDU ever find common ground with the Greens??

Polling shows that?voters did not choose Scholz because of the leftward swing of the SPD or even because of the principles of the FDP or the Greens.?In fact, his attraction was exactly the opposite.?The calm, conservative native of Hamburg struck the public as being very similar to Angela Merkel.?Even large numbers of former CDU voters chose him over the CDU candidate, because they believed that he would do best in preserving the type of government presented by Merkel, which, we should remember, was considered by many observers to be dangerously stagnant.

Are you still with me??This is important.?In other words, amidst all the talk of climate change and digital sovereignty, Germans voters appear to believe that?the future of Europe should be decided by a coalition of parties which cannot agree on anything, but whose leader seems to seems to promise the very ?“stagnation” which was condemned by not only the SPD, but also by the FDP and the Greens.?

One look around the world ?would suggest that Germany is faced with many challenges which require more innovative leadership than Merkel wanted to provide.???But that fact did not seem to motivate German voters.?They appear to feel happy and satisfied with their lives, and as I have already mentioned, seemed mostly to choose Scholz instead of his opponent Arnim Laschet, because of Scholz’s close resemblance to Merkel herself.

Which raises the question:?Why do we all care??Why did the world tune in expectantly for German results as it never had before??Quite simply, because when combined with its central geographic position and it economic skills, Germany has always been Europe’s natural leader.?That’s the main reason why both Maggie Thatcher and Francois?Mitterand so vehemently opposed reuniting the German states in 1990.??. President Biden understood completely when he was careful to compromise on the unpopular Nordstream pipeline, and just a few weeks later deeply insulted the French President by pushing a French submarine aside in favor of an American product to be sold to Australia.?Even worse for French sensitivities, he included the British in the deal.

So something is happening here which goes beyond the simple comfort of postwar German society.?The European world of 500 million prosperous and well educated inhabitants ?is being remade before our eyes.?But not on the model of the current EU, which is surely showing its age.?But rather as a result of Germany’s talents and determination to maintain its social model, whatever others may think.?

In other words, much of the press chatter of a vacuum after Merkel or of Germany’s refusal to lead is beside the point.?Whoever is chosen to lead the next German government will inherit power and influence.?Germany is probably already the third most important country on the planet. It will be a leading global actor regardless of which parties or leaders control its government.?Both Germany’s friends and opponents should would do well better to understand this basic element of the new world order.?Whatever the confusion caused by German voters, the world already wants them to take care of its needs.???But Germans voters seem to prefer a different model.?And unless you are a fan of the Swiss Alps, it is exactly this task which Germany has no intention of fulfilling.

Rainer Moosdorf, MD, PhD, FAHA

Professor Emeritus for Cardiovascular Surgery, Medical Consultant, Member of Healthcare Shapers

3 年

Appreciate this precise analysis. We do indeed have two different groups of voters in Germany. One, which is more or less satisfied with the current situation, be it professionally, financially, personally or also perspectively and another one, which is not. Accordingly the first one looks for continuity and no major changes whereas the latter one is calling for changes, the more the better. Politics are however mostly a result of the lowest common denominator and the limited perspective of a 4 year period. So, many uncomforable decisions are rather delayed not to risk a negative vote during the coming elections. Accordingly, critical themes like the future of pension or healthcare insurance in an aging population, a true climate program or perspectives for the young generation and the role of Germany in the EU, only to mention some, have not been in the center of the recent elections, but rather marginal aspects and personal preferences. In other words, continue as before with only minor changes.

alexander privitera

Senior Fellow, European Affairs

3 年

Excellent analysis. At the same time Germans’ attitude that once again emerged in this election is one of the reasons why the EU actually matters. Most Germans simply don’t like being perceived as the third most powerful country in the world. Too much stress, responsibility and friction….better to be central part of the EU. Paradoxically, many Germans don’t realize that it is their role in the EU that has made them so powerful in the first place.

Werner Dr. Witt

A day has 24 hours

3 年

Germany has always been a country of a divided people. On the one side we have scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, globally educated and open minded with a spirit to innovate and create a better future, modernists. On the other side there are those threatened by globalism, dynamic change and afraid of new technologies taking control of us, romantics. What unites most of us is our desire to achieve world's forgiveness for our evil history by making any global issues our own and find local solutions for them, moral incontinence and megalomania. Still trying to recover from the pandemics German Angst returned to apocalyptic worries regarding climate change. In a complex world many people and journalists focused on something they believe they can understand and would help reduce complexity, personality issues of politicians and climate crisis, the current key driver of youth's movements and German Angst. As a result of this we just experienced the most provincial and unidimensional election ever. Insignificant little candidates' mistakes and discussions on how to solve the global climate crisis on German territory dominated it. Election results created new complexities as neither romantics nor modernists won. The journey continues.

Ronny Wells

Chairman, Constructor University Foundation of America

3 年

Well said.


