Germ Theory Approach or Terrain Theory Approach?
Two Opposing Medical Theories
When it comes to our health, the Western world has largely adopted the?germ theory, meaning we need to identify and destroy anything we deem as a foreign invader, as it is directly responsible for causing disease. However, there is?another theory called the?terrain theory, which believes that it is not the “germ” that determines?disease, but rather, the state of our internal health and its ability to maintain homeostasis in the face of “unfriendly”?organisms.
Let’s look into each theory a bit further to determine which theory we should adopt when trying to be healthy, especially during this pandemic.
Germ Theory
The germ – or microbial – theory of disease was popularized by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the inventor of pasteurization. This theory states that there are fixed, external germs that invade the body and are the direct cause of a variety of separate, definable diseases. If you truly want to get well, you need to kill whatever germ made you sick and do whatever possible to make “sure” that you never allow a microbe to enter your body in the first place.
With this theory comes Western medicine and its tools and technology that?treats the symptoms of an unfriendly microbe rooting itself in the internal environment, through things such as?drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
The germ theory was partly shaped around Pasteur’s idea that the human body is sterile, meaning it is a blank slate devoid of any germs. With this notion in mind, we could conclude that we have to combat germs all the time in every way possible and that preventative measures through things like nutrition are basically useless.
So, if you closely follow the germ theory, you need to be vigilant against various types of infections through prevention (primarily vaccinations), and destruction (antibiotics, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) of any external microbe that ever attempts or succeeds to get inside our body. Anything else is basically fruitless.
Terrain Theory
The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813-1878) and later built upon?by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification are operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain that could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determined an individual’s susceptibility to disease.
Bernard, Bechamp, and their successors believed that disease occurs to a large extent as a function of biology and as a result of changes that take place when metabolic processes become imbalanced. Germs then become symptoms that stimulate the occurrence of more symptoms, which eventually culminate into disease. A weak terrain is naturally more vulnerable to external threats, so it needs to be built up through nutrition, detoxification, and by maintaining a proper pH or acid/alkaline balance.
So, if you closely follow the terrain theory, you may make yourself aware of various external microbes that could be harmful to our health, and the gentle non-toxic removal of them, but your focus is on building and maintaining the integrity of your inner terrain so that any external microbe that you may ingest does not morph into anything with serious implications for your health.
This means nutrition, detoxification, proper pH, and mindset are key factors you consider important in disease prevention and elimination.
Remember the key factors for improving your terrain:?nutrition, detoxification, and proper pH.
Detoxification:?Use products to help reduce your “toxic load” including non-toxic cleaning, personal care, and beauty products.
Nutrition:?Are you interested in some of the finest research-proven nutritional supplements on the market, all designed to improve one’s overall internal health (terrain)?
Proper pH:?A balanced pH is important to good health. Viruses and some bacteria are pH sensitive, and cannot survive in an alkaline environment. You can achieve a healthy pH with diet if you eat the right foods, but baking soda is the easiest and fastest way to raise your pH to a neutral or slightly alkaline level. pH can be measured by using pH strips to test your urine or saliva. Please read these articles to learn more: Alkalize the Body with Baking Soda,??21 Questions About Sodium Bicarbonate by Dr. Mark Sircus
Which Theory for this Pandemic?
The Germ Theory?
It makes sense to wash your hands and keep your home as disinfected as possible, but you may not have much control over “germs” when you leave home. If you think about everything you touch and everyone you get close to, you will quickly see that avoiding germs altogether is impractical. To do this, you would likely have to lock yourself inside for the duration.
So what happens if you do get infected with a virus? Typically when you get sick you go to see your doctor. But experts are predicting that doctors and hospitals could be overwhelmed. Then what?
Conventional medicine is almost exclusively based on the “Germ Theory.” That’s why their response to the pandemic is … “Wash your hands, and?if you get sick, stay home.” That is about it.
The Terrain Theory?
On the other hand, you have total control over your body. If you choose to supplement with science based vitamins and nutraceuticals, and maintain a healthy pH level, you create a “hostile terrain” for viruses. This approach puts YOU in control of your own health. Yes, wash your hands. Disinfect your countertops. Stay home if you feel bad. But focus on your internal “terrain.”