Dainan Thane Gibson
Director Of Business Development at ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC | Professional Connector | Generosity Network Leader
ECS develops tailored geotechnical exploration programs in support of each client’s specific project. We know what
is below the surface can be as crucial and complex as the structure it supports. Our team approach to geotechnical
engineering extends beyond simply providing engineering data. We educate our clients about the risks and benefits of
the engineering recommendations we provide.
Subsurface Explorations, Assessments and Design - incorporating our extensive subsurface database for local geologies
Geophysical Surveys - including seismic refraction, electrical resistivity, refraction microtremor, SASW and ground
penetrating radar, as well as associated geotechnical engineering and design services
Geotechnical Construction Consulting - to support construction projects including value engineering review, sample
testing, laboratory testing for soil modification and evaluation of foundation bearing conditions
Specialized In-situ (in place) Soil/Rock Testing - utilizing the following methods: Pressuremeter (PMT), Cone
Penetrometer (CPT), Dilatometer (DMT) to provide the project team with cost effective recommendations for
foundations supporting buildings and infrastructure
Reinforced Earth Structures, Slopes and Retention Design - based on specific site conditions utilizing industry-leading
analysis and design software
Deep Foundation Testing - services using industry-leading devices such as the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), Cross Hole
Sonic Logging (CSL) for drilled shaft testing and low-strain integrity testing using the Pile Integrity Tester (PIT)
Geotechnical Instrumentation - for monitoring structure movement during construction including remote, automated
total stations, scan stations, inclinometers, piezometers, extensometers, tilt meters, crack gauges and vibration
Geostructural Design - for building elements containing soil-structure interaction such as soil nail walls, ground anchor
supported retention systems, excavation support systems, micropiles, underpinning and soil improvement (aggregate
pier designs, stone columns, vibro densification, grouting)
? Expertise in each market
? Advanced exploration capability
? Industry-leading in-situ testing
? Advanced geotechnical laboratory testing capability
? Advanced proprietary geotechnical analysis systems
? Proven geotechnical value engineering experts