Geosphere injection, putting money ahead of health, and 1+4 Cooperation

Geosphere injection, putting money ahead of health, and 1+4 Cooperation

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 1+4合作 / 1+4 Cooperation (of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor with the CPEC at the center (i.e., 1) and Gwadar Port, transport infrastructure, energy and industrial cooperation being the 4 key areas of cooperation)?

- 中巴经济走廊是新时代中巴合作的标志性工程和“一带一路”的重要项目。今年是中巴经济走廊启动10周年。经过10年建设,以走廊建设为中心,以港口、交通基础设施、能源、产业为重点的“1+4”合作布局业已形成。走廊项目在巴基斯坦遍地开花,累计为巴带来254亿美元直接投资,创造19.2万个就业岗位,新增6000兆瓦电力、510公里高速公路和886千米国家核心输电网,为巴基斯坦国家发展和地区互联互通作出了实实在在的贡献。中巴双方还在走廊框架下拓展合作领域,在农业、科技、信息技术、社会民生等方面打造了合作新亮点。?

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a signature project of China-Pakistan cooperation in the new era, and an important project under the Belt and Road Initiative. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of CPEC. After ten years of development, a “1+4” cooperation layout has been formed, with the CPEC at the center and Gwadar Port, transport infrastructure, energy and industrial cooperation being the four key areas. Projects under CPEC are flourishing all across Pakistan, attracting USD 25.4 billion of direct investment, creating 192,000 jobs, producing 6,000 megawatts of electric power, building 510 kilometers of highways and adding 886 kilometers to the core national transmission network. CPEC has made tangible contribution to the national development of Pakistan and connectivity in the region. China and Pakistan have also explored new areas for cooperation under the framework of CPEC, creating new highlights in cooperation on agriculture, science and technology, telecommunication and people’s wellbeing.?

  • 把金钱置于人类生命健康之上 / putting money ahead of people’s life and health?

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

  • 地层注入 / geosphere injection?

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

  • 地下掩埋 / vapor release?

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

  • 加速阀 / accelerator?

Today’s quote:

- 截至目前,中欧班列历年开行超过7.3万列、运送货物690万标箱,通达欧洲25个国家216个城市,成为畅通中欧贸易的“稳定器”和“加速阀”。?

Up to now, more than 73,000 trains carrying a total of 6.9 million TEUs of cargo have been operated between China and Europe, reaching 216 cities in 25 European countries. The China-Europe Railway Express has become a stabilizer and accelerator for the smooth trade between China and the EU.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 到目前为止,中欧班列已经有了82条运行线路,通达欧洲24个国家200个城市,成为畅通中欧贸易的“加速阀”。?

The China-Europe Railway Express currently runs on 82 routes and reaches 200 cities in 24 European countries. The service is a boon for the socioeconomic development of countries and regions along the routes and an accelerator for China-Europe trade.?

- 今年以来,在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延和国际局势动荡的背景下,中欧班列克服多重困难,保持安全稳定运行,1-6月累计开行7514列、发送72.4万标箱,单月开行连续26个月保持千列以上,成为畅通中欧贸易的“稳定器”和“加速阀”。?

Since the beginning of this year [2022], despite the ongoing pandemic and turbulence in the world, the China-Europe freight trains have managed to maintain safe and stable operation. In the first six months of this year, 7,514 trips were made, carrying 724,000 TEUs of goods. For 26 consecutive months, more than 1,000 trips were made each month. The China-Europe freight train service has become the stabilizer and accelerator of China-Europe trade.?

  • 经济成本 / economic cost?

Today’s quote:

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 排海绝不是最安全、最优化的处置手段,日方的选择完全是出于经济成本的考虑。?

Ocean discharge is clearly not the safest or best way to dispose of the nuclear-contaminated water. Japan’s decision is based entirely on minimizing economic cost.?

- 加入《公约》是中方扩大涉外文书流转领域制度型开放的重要举措,将带来两大红利:一是大幅降低文书跨国流转的时间和经济成本。?

China’s accession [to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.《取消外国公文书认证要求的公约》] is an important step towards greater institutional opening-up in the use of public documents abroad and will be a boon in two aspects. First, it will significantly reduce time and cost.?

- ...持续综合施策降低实体经济成本。?

We will continue to implement a full range of measures for reducing costs in the real economy.?

  • 美韩核磋商小组 / United States - Republic of Korea Nuclear Consultative Group, US-ROK NCG?

Today’s quote:

- 美国防部发言人近日表示,将在未来某一时间派遣战略核潜艇访问韩国。据报道,韩美正讨论本月下旬在首尔举行韩美“核磋商小组”首次会议,提升美国“延伸威慑”执行力。?

US Department of Defense spokesperson recently said that the US will send a strategic nuclear submarine to the ROK. According to reports, the ROK and the US are discussing to hold the first meeting of the ROK-US Nuclear Consultative Group in late July in Seoul to reinforce the enforcement of US’s extended deterrence.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美韩在朝韩军分线附近举行史上最大规模“联合火力歼灭演习”,同步追加对朝单边制裁,可能在6月初举行美韩“核磋商小组”首次会议。?

The US and the ROK held the largest ever “combined annihilation firepower drills” near the military demarcation line between the DPRK and the ROK, imposed further unilateral sanctions on the DPRK at the same time, and may hold the first meeting of the US-ROK Nuclear Consultative Group in early June [2023].?

- 据报道,当地时间26日,美韩发表《华盛顿宣言》,作为韩国总统尹锡悦访美成果文件之一。宣言称,美将通过扩大美韩核危机磋商、新增美韩军事训练和模拟演习、成立“美韩核磋商小组”机制、扩大半岛周边美战略资产出动等,升级对韩提供“延伸威慑”。消息人士称,美拟向半岛附近海域机动部署战略核潜艇。?

The US and the ROK issued the Washington Declaration on April 26 [2023] local time as one of the outcomes of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s visit to the US. The Declaration says that the US will upgrade the extended deterrence it provides to the ROK, including through enhanced consultation over a nuclear crisis, increased military exercises and training activities and table-top simulation, the establishment of a new Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) and further expansion of the US regular visibility of strategic assets to the Korean Peninsula. Sources said the US is planning to deploy a strategic nuclear submarine in waters off the Korean Peninsula.?

  • 欧洽会 / EU-China Fair?

- 欧洽会是欧盟成员国参与最多、欧方企业参与最广、中欧交流规模最大的投资贸易和技术创新合作盛会之一。迄今已举办17届,累计吸引12000多家中欧企业参会,达成意向性合作协议3200多项。 本届欧洽会邀请来自中欧各领域的官员、专家、学者、企业家等2000多名嘉宾出席,共同展望中欧经贸合作前景、共促中欧经贸合作新机遇。?今年是中国和欧盟建立全面战略伙伴关系20周年。 近期,中欧双方高层互动频繁,为双边经贸合作指明方向,注入新动能。 据中国海关总署发布的数据,今年前5个月,欧盟是中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国与欧盟贸易总额为2.28万亿元人民币,同比增长3.6%。 特别是中欧班列开行以来,数量快速攀升,为促进中欧经贸往来、维护产业链供应链稳定发挥了积极支撑作用。 今年1-6月,中欧班列累计开行8641列,发送货物93.6万标箱,同比分别增长16%和30%。 截至目前,中欧班列历年开行超过7.3万列、运送货物690万标箱,通达欧洲25个国家216个城市,成为畅通中欧贸易的“稳定器”和“加速阀”。?中方愿同欧方一道,落实好双方领导人共识,巩固中欧关系向好发展势头,不断充实拓展中欧合作内涵,为变乱交织的国际局势提供更多确定性和稳定性。?

The EU-China Fair is one of the largest business, technology and innovation cooperation platforms between China and the EU, with the most extensive participation from both EU member states and EU businesses. Over the years, a total of 17 fairs have been held, attracting the participation of over 12,000 Chinese and EU businesses, and reaching over 3,200 intent purchase deals. This year’s EU-China Fair brought together over 2,000 Chinese and European officials, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from various quarters to explore the prospects and create new opportunities for China-EU business cooperation.?This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. Recently, China and the EU have engaged in frequent high-level interactions, which has charted the course and injected new impetus for bilateral trade and economic cooperation. According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs of China, the EU was China’s second biggest trading partner in the first five months of this year, and trade between China and the EU grew by 3.6 percent year-on-year to RMB 2.28 trillion. In particular, since the operation of the China-Europe Railway Express, the trips it makes have surged, playing a positive role in boosting China-EU trade and underpinning the stability of the industrial and supply chains. From January to June this year, the China-Europe Railway Express ran 8,641 trips and shipped 936,000 TEUs of cargo, up 16 percent and 30 percent year-on-year respectively. Up to now, more than 73,000 trains carrying a total of 6.9 million TEUs of cargo have been operated between China and Europe, reaching 216 cities in 25 European countries. The China-Europe Railway Express has become a stabilizer and accelerator for the smooth trade between China and the EU.?We stand ready to work with the EU to act upon the common understandings of our leaders, consolidate the sound momentum of growth in China-EU relations, continue to expand the dimensions of China-EU cooperation and add more certainty and stability to a world of change and disorder.?

  • 氢气释放 / hydrogen release?

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

  • 一衣带水的近邻 ?/ close neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water (i.e., China and Japan)?

- 昨天下午,国务院总理李强在人民大会堂会见日本国际贸易促进协会会长河野洋平率领的访华团。李强总理表示,中日两国是一衣带水的近邻。去年两国庆祝了邦交正常化50周年,今年又迎来中日和平友好条约缔结45周年,中日关系正处于承前启后的重要节点。?

Premier Li Qiang met with a delegation led by Yohei Kono, president of JAPIT, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing yesterday [July 5, 2023] afternoon. Premier Li noted that China and Japan are close neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. The two countries celebrated the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations last year, and this year marks the 45th anniversary of the signature of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship. The China-Japan relations are at an important juncture of taking stock of the past and envisioning the future.?

  • 蒸汽释放 / vapor release?

- 。。。 日方最看重的是如何降低经济成本,而不是如何维护海洋生态环境和人类生命健康。针对核污染水处置,有长期储存、氢气释放、地层注入、地下掩埋、蒸汽释放等多种方案。日方选择经济代价最小的排海方案,却把核污染的风险转嫁给全世界。这种把金钱置于人类生命健康之上的做法必然遭到国际社会反对。?

... Japan focuses more on saving cost instead of safeguarding marine environment and protecting people’s life and health. On the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water, there are options including long-term storage, hydrogen release, geosphere injection, underground burial, and vapor release. Japan has chosen the discharge plan with minimum cost among all options, shifting the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world. The act of putting money ahead of people’s life and health is doomed to be opposed by the international community.?

  • 装点门面 / put up a front; charade?

- 尽管日方迫于国内外压力请求国际原子能机构开展审查评估,但将核污染水排海是日方早已预设的结果,邀请机构评估不过是“装点门面”。?

Although Japan requested review and assessment from the IAEA out of domestic and international pressure, the discharge plan was preconceived and the request was nothing but a charade.?

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