Geospatial Workshops on AWS Cloud Concludes
The Fall 2020 geospatial workshops offered on Amazon Web Services Virtual Process Cloud concluded today. Eighteen [18] participants from various institutions in New York City were recruited to these workshops which had a Image Classification focus. They worked tirelessly for 12 consecutive Saturdays and presented their projects on the 12/12/2020 from 9am to4pm. They completed project over the Borough of Lake Como. The presentations were attended by Joseph Cavaluzzi [Chair of Planning Board], Jon Gibbons, chairman of the Lake Como environmental commission and Dr. Heather Butts [ Executive Director of Lake Como revitalization project]. The Lake Como project participation was facilitated by Dr. Geoffrey Fouad professor and director of the GIS program at Monmouth University. They lauded the presentations and underlined the importance of geospatial technology in the planning process. Both Jon Gibbons and Joseph Cavaluzzi emphasized on the importance of geospatial technology for assisting in the planning process. The director of NASA-MISTC, NSF-ATE projects and BGCCCI and Dr. Sunil Bhaskaran, Dr. Ratan Dhar [Director of NSF-ATE] and Dr. Geoffrey Fouad emphasized on the importance of data quality and systematic analyses and future collaborations.