Geosense in Canada
The above image is from Melville Island. Folded and thrusted Devonian sediments (mostly sandstones, siltstones and shales), in an area so far north that it is seldom free of snow. This image was acquired by a Sentinel 2 satellite (showing bands 12, 8A and 4) which gives us 10m resolution imagery. This dataset is ideal for geological interpretations over larger regions, during the early stages of exploration. The compositional changes within the sedimentary package beautifully show anticlines and synclines in this fold and thrust belt, while snow in some of the river valleys still hasn't melted yet (even on the 2nd of August, the date this image was acquired).
Geosense isn’t going as far north. Marc Goossens and I will visit Toronto next week for the Exploration17 conference. You can find us in the exhibition at booth 710, so please come and talk to us there about geological applications of remote sensing, and how your projects can benefit from it.
Are you not coming to the conference next week, but do you want to meet up somewhere in Toronto? Please send a message to [email protected] and/or [email protected], and we will figure something out.
To finish, a Digital Elevation Model over the same area as the above image, in this case the AW3D30 DSM. Can you pick out some of the NW-SE & NE-SW oriented faults?