The Geology of Turner Falls in Oklahoma - YouTube video – favorite geology field trip site
Blue Diamond landslide sent rocks & boulders tumbling 6+ miles across desert near Las Vegas NV
Researching geology of Iraq despite ISIS terrorists
Mineral-microbe interactions play important role in geological & environmental processes across all spatial and temporal scales
Some of the continents on Earth have had sizeable start from impactors of spiral arms of Milky Way
New Book:?“The Klamath Mountains – A Natural History”
Microearthquake record illuminating previously unknown large faults in Oklahoma and Kansas
Anomalously rapid convergence between India and Asia during Mesozoic – double subduction of Neo-Tethyan Ocean
15 years including 5 formal sessions fail to produce draft treaty to protect high seas biodiversity
Using neural network model to predict mineral melting temperatures
Detailed analysis of skull of Trilophosuchus rackhami – 13.5 myo tiny crocodile from Australia
Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet – part of the problem is the models used for forecasting
Epic photography of Geldingadalir eruption in Iceland
Vancouver, British Columbia, renovating 8M gallon reservoir for earthquake resistance
A review of 80 years of catastrophic predictions of global warming & melting ice sheets & glaciers
Just for fun:?hydro(beer)ology – parallels between pumping groundwater and drinking beer
Traditional techniques underestimate deltaic land loss due to decreased sediment supply & subsidence
Volcanic winters helped lead to reign of the dinosaurs during the Jurassic
New landslide reporting tool reduces reporting time
GRACE satellite data reveals anomalous gravimetric signals preceded 2011 Tōhoku?earthquake
“State of the Climate” released for 2021 – as expected it emphasizes C02 increase
Diamonds and iron oxides at the Core-Mantle Boundary
NOAA over-predicted Atlantic Hurricane Season
Emergence of land plants during the Silurian altered composition of continental crust
Mbiresaurus raathi – oldest known dinosaur in Africa
New theory suggests climatic barriers controlled dispersal of earliest dinosaurs
Reviewing historical earthquakes in California
Re-evaluating earthquake recurrence intervals for some faults in California
Model of oceanic biogeochemistry and day/night cycle
Small swarm of moderate earthquakes shake Samos Island in Greece
Warning signs of eruption of ice-covered volcanoes
Fresh water entering Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait
Warning signs of eruption of ice-covered volcanoes
Collection of more than 5,000 fossils, rocks & minerals donated to University of Portsmouth
What happened to the rest of the Roman Colosseum??An earthquake in AD 443 and another in 1349
66 of 79 parcels received bids In BLM geothermal lease sale in Nevada
Meltwater from glaciers on Greenland transporting lots of sand
Wyoming State Geological Survey publishes two new geologic maps including subsurface geology in Jackson & Casper areas
Updated Volcano & Earthquake Monitoring Plan for Yellowstone Caldera System
Paper:?Geological constraints on dynamic changes in fluid pressure in seismic cycles
How to start a rock collection
Geophysical survey to determine groundwater flow patterns of Pahute Mesa in Nevada National Security Site
Paper:?Geological constraints on dynamic changes in fluid pressure in seismic cycles
How to start a rock collection
Origin of explosion its on Banco Bonito Rhyolite flow in New Mexico
Geologic Resource Report for Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona
Fatal debris flow at Tatahatso Beach, Grand Canyon, Arizona in July 2021
Metasomatic Iron Alkali Calcic (MIAC) model of mineral deposits
Surface ground rupture from M7.0 earthquake along Philippine Fault system still not confirmed
Faults underlying Seattle, Washington, could trigger 33-foot tsunami
Slow earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest along Cascadia Subduction Zone