Geoscience Bulletin Board – 31 December 2023
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Norwegian cruise ship MS Maud temporarily lost power after being hit by rogue wave
New perspective on last time the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed – what the octopus genomics tell us
200 myo Greece was part of lost continent of “Greater Adria”
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New pamphlet on geology of Sinks Canyon State Park in Wyoming
·???????? Pamphlet:?
General introduction to mining law in Portugal
Cataclysmic geological history of the Ruby Mountains in Nevada
A pūpū platter of earthquakes in Hawaii
A unified theory of the evolution of geology and biodiversity
Nine giant landslides in the Vaigat Strait in Greenland
·???????? Link to pdf paper:?
The Wrangell landslide – cannot monitor everything
Sampling high grade gold at Cook Project in Northeastern Saskatchewan
·???????? Map:?
More than a century of streamflow measurements on the Yellowstone River at Corwin Springs, Montana
Balanced boulders and the San Andreas Fault
China limits exportation of gallium & germanium
·???????? Gallium:?
·???????? Germanium:?
Planetary geology:? after asteroid Bennu, OSIRIS gets new name & new mission to Apophis asteroid
IUCN confirms released most recent Red List of Threatened Species – confirms Java Stingarees are extinct
The Polar Vortex continues to evolve – what the prognosticators say that means
Geotechnical survey drilling is crucial for restoration of Deschutes Estuary
China’s “Mengxiang” ultradeep ocean drillship completes first trial voyage – plan to? drill through Crust & into Upper Mantle
Man-made noise is impacting the soundscape of the ocean – multibeam sonar for deep ocean mapping
Book Review:? “Clouds and Their Climatic Impact:? Radiation, Circulation and Precipitation”
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial fans in Arabian correlates with orbital cycles of Earth
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Improving understanding of the formation of fog in mountainous terrain
Mercury in sediment samples from Upper Yangtze River in China associated with peak in carbon isotopes linking Permian marine mass extinction linked to volcanism-induced anoxia
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Photo-essay:? rainbow-colored clouds in the Arctic
Pterygotid eurypterids were giant (up to 8 foot long) predatory sea scorpions
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Extra-terrestrial diamonds
Sendero del Cangrejo chain of hydrothermal vents
“negative friction” allows sand to flow uphill
Plant health changes may be precursors of earthquakes
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Non-meteoric waters in natural spa waters in Central Japan
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Tallest tsunami on record hit Alaska in 1958 – 524-meter wave in Lituya Bay following massive landslide triggered by earthquake
Mauna Kea is sacred to spiritual practitioners, treasured by astronomers, and respected by geologists
Ground temperature changes with depth
Active seamount is also a Pacific white skate nursery