Geoscience Bulletin Board – 29 January 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Research suggests rate of erosion of the Alps is has declined over past 10,000 years ago compared to Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene time (i.e., since the Younger Dryas)
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Fault roughness & stress heterogeneity control induced seismicity – important for hydraulic stimulation in reservoirs
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Inclusions of water in feldspar are key to formation of hydroxyl groups and seeding cloud formation
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Euglenids split off from other eukaryotes about 1 byo – gain energy from photosynthesis & preying on other organisms
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Tracking hydrothermal activity in Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone using seismic, ground deformation, low-frequency sound and weather data
Quantifying sediment flux from the Himalayas to estimate erosion rates & tectonic changes
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22 January 2024 landslide in Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, China
Quantitative model for predicting frictional rock deformation, fault behavior & seismicity
High-resolution regional model of Southern Ocean – topographically induced mixing
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Attempting to redirect the flow of lava:? earthen dams, berms, lava “freezing” experiment, explosives
Could early life on Earth have begun in shallow soda lakes?
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Time to shut down moves to play God with the climate – drawdown not geo-engineering with dangerous methods
India splitting into separate layers – delamination of lithospheric mantle during flat-slab subduction
Marine geological sample repositories are vital for oceanography, climate studies, and more
Update on M7.0 Uqturpan earthquake near Kyrgyzstan-China border – oblique thrust fault
Ice volcanoes on the beach of Lake Michigan
Attributing recent Northern Hemisphere continental cold waves to decadal mid-latitude ocean fronts not Arctic arming and weakening of Jest Stream due to declining Arctic Sea ice
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Obsessed with finding extreme temperatures
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Megalodon was skinnier that theatrical depictions
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Images of heat emanating from fracture and lava flow at Grindavik, Iceland
Keuhneosaurs – Triassic gliding winged reptiles lived in Mendip Hills in Somerset, England
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Eagle lizard – Aetosaurs of the Late Triassic discovered in Texas
Magerifelis peignei – Middle Miocene mid-sized cat species from Spain
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Oldest known fossilized skin is 289 myo from cave system in Richards Spur Limestone in Oklahoma – Captorhinus aguti an early reptile
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Palau becomes first nation to ratify UN High Seas Treaty – 15 years of discussions
No big surprise:? Iceberg A23a moving northward from Antarctica - melting & battered by waves
Water levels in 2016 from multiple-well aquifer test in basalts in northeastern Oregon
·???????? OFR 2023-1081:?
Newest version of NCEI coastal relief models
·???????? Coastal Relief Model:?
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Hellfire and brimstone in the Pacific Northwest
Strongest earthquake in Colorado history was MMI VII (M6.6) on 8 November 1882
Strongest historic earthquake in Washington State was 1700 Cascadia even with M8.7 to M9.2
Kenya continues to develop geothermal resources beneath the Great Rift Valley