Geoscience Bulletin Board – 26 August 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
More than 10,000 thermal features in Yellowstone – from Apollinaris to Zomar
Atlantic Ni?a conditions developing in the central equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean – 0.5 to 1.0 degrees Celsius colder than average for this time of year – the Atlantic zonal mode
Meeting new seismic standards in the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, British Columbia
Bring on the next Ice Age!!? Snow in August in the Sierras!!? What a magnificent weather pattern – Farmers Almanac winter outlook
New technology to measure ice core gases provides comprehensive record of CO levels from 1821-1995 as evidence of steady decline in biomass burning since 1920s – climate models including IPCC need revised assumptions
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) to map elevations on Earth
Price of gold at record high of $2,514 per Troy ounce
Mapping 60,000-year-old 1,250-mile-long pathway of Agadir Canyon submarine avalanche
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Using AI to predict earthquakes – 7-month pilot study predicted 70% of earthquakes in China a week before they happened by detecting statistical bumps in real-time seismic data
Two large landslides in Gisborne New Zealand, triggered by Cyclone Gabrielle – Bushy Knoll landslide & coastal cliff collapse at Kuri o Pāoa/Young Nick’s Head
\2024 Pedersen Lagoon landslide & tsunami
2024 landslide at Teesta Stage V power house on banks of Teesta River at Baluatar, Sikkim in the Himalayas
Submarine eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai has long-lasting climate impact
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Lithospheric ‘oddities’ may explain vertical motions of Crust in continental interiors
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Abundant formation of marine clays may have slowed recovery from the Great Dying
Moonbows spotted shortly before the rise of the Blue Moon
Most dire prediction of sea-level rise is unlikely
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Humpback whales now recognized as tool-wielding animals
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Significant atmospheric changes caused by geomagnetic superstorm in May 2024
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Assessment of water levels, nitrate & arsenic in Carson Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Nevada – water levels declining in 65% of monitoring wells, nitrate increasing in 64% of wells, E and N portions appear to have higher arsenic concentrations
·?????? USGS OFR 2024-1045:?
Characterizing groundwater resources near SE Puget Sound, Washington
·?????? USGS SIR 2024-5026-A-C:?
Numerical model of groundwater flow system near SE Puget Sound, Washington
·?????? USGS SIR 2024-5026-D-E:?
Conceptual hydrogeologic framework & groundwater budget near SE Puget Sound, Washington
·?????? USGS SIR 2024-5026:?
Possible explanation for what happened to the rest of the Teton Range
Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) seismic activity continuing & growth of fumaroles – updating emergency plans
Walking back the dire warning on the danger of collapse of the “Doomsday” Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica
Second largest rough diamonds ever found – 2,492 carats from Karowe Diamond Mine in Botswana – detected by XRT technology in EM/PK(S) kimberlite
Rock garden at University of California at Davis
End of an era at Lawrence University – book review:? “Turning to Stone”
Altamira slip plain beneath Rancho Palos Verdes landslide could encompass Rolling Hills with increasing slip rate
The Racetrack Playa in Death Valley
Impacts of weather on sinkholes in Charlotte, North Carolina
Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus – predatory theropod found Callovian Balabansai Formation in Kyrgystan
“Solfatara” volcanic bent fire at Hope Ranch Volcano in Santa Barbara County, California
Los Angeles Basin alters dispersion of seismic energy from earthquakes
Paper:? identification & mapping of groundwater recharge zones using multi-influencing factor & analytical hierarchy in Mohmand District of Pakistan
Improved understanding of massif-type anorthosites
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