Geoscience Bulletin Board – 21 February 2022
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Cambrian Utaurora comosa & Opabinia fossils in Wheeler Formation in Utah
Weis Earth Science Museum in Menasha, Wisconsin, has excellent displays – especially for kids
Book Review:?“The Greywacke” – in an era of scientific discovery of Earth history
Book Review:?“The Wheel of Time” – incorporating geologic history into storytelling
Turnip Rock in Lake Huron in Michigan near Pointe Aux Barques
Heat & pressure in Core means liquid & solid components co-exist – think “snow-cone mush”
Antarctic sea ice has expanded in overall extent over the past 4 decades – contrary to models
Sea surface temperatures during El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation?and radiation exhibit coupling
Two studies of fledgling deep-sea mining
Real world observation data indicates need to revise sediment transport & prediction models
Visualizing lithium production by country from 1995 to 2020
New method of estimating lake evaporation suggests lakes losing 20% of flow to evaporation
Volcanic eruption on Mount Etna triggers lightning
Impact crater field discovered in southeastern Wyoming
Improved understanding of slow slip plate tectonics in SW Japan improves predictions
Two landslides in Southern Alps of New Zealand – one on Mount Tasman & one in Hooker Valley
Megadrought in the Western US is not the worst ever – just in the last 1,200 years – trying to blame it on man-made global warming
Call for moratorium on geoengineering to dim sunlight – will worsen conditions – political mess
Largest known lithium deposit may be in Oregon in McDermitt Caldera
Planetary Geologic Mapping Workshop scheduled for late June in Flagstaff, Arizona
Mapping potential impact zones on Olympic Peninsula from M9.0 Cascadia earthquake
Theory on the origins of a major subduction zone
Potentially resolving discrepancy between marine ice-sheet behavior and reconstructed climate
Possible cause(s) of sinkhole that has been draining Brengi stream
Gold targets and key fault zones on Hawkins Love Gold Project in southern New Brunswick
Lake Baikal is largest, oldest & deepest fresh water lake – holds nearly 25% of fresh surface water
Using AI transfer learning techniques to study oceanic internal waves
Hadrosaurid and tyrannosaurid footprints found on bank of Redwillow River in Late Cretaceous Wapiti Formation in Alberta, Canada
Range of environmental contaminants identified in fracking wastewater
M6.2 earthquake struck western Guatemala
Late Cretaceous Confractosuchus sauroktonos ate ornithopod dinosaurs
Jurassic long-necked dinosaur nicknamed “Dolly” suffered aspergillosis-like respiratory infection
Micro-plastic pollution has up to 7-year residence time in rivers before entering ocean
Cataclysmic eruptions likely due to significant thermal anomalies at core-mantle boundary
Humpback whales may swim up to 3,700 miles to breed
Heavy precipitation caused flash floods and landslides in Petropolis, Brazil
Missoula mega-floods scoured eastern Washington – tilting of Crust due to glacial isostatic adjustment directed incision of Channeled Scabland
Accidental implosion yields new measurement for depth of Challenger Deep
Elko mine worker accidentally killed at Nevada Gold Mines Cortez Hills Underground Operation
Sperm whales learned how to fight back by ramming whaling boats
Group of orcas save humpback whale tangled in netting near Australia - video