Geoscience Bulletin Board – 21 August 2023
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Looking at sediment cores to understand history of coastal changes in Alaskan bays and fjords
Greece closes popular Samaria Gorge in SW Crete to hikers after EQ triggered rockslide
Okeanos Explore to survey the coast of Alaska – 5-month mission
Finding the optimal conditions for permafrost – bacteria in suspended animation – CRREL permafrost tunnel
Mt Etna erupts – airport at Catania in Sicily closes
Geothermal cooling system in Masdar City in Abu Dhabi
Ice dams and flooding are not unusual in SE Alaska – Suicide Basin - j?kuhlaups
Collapse of roughly 500,000 cubic meters of rocky material in Bubisskali River Valley
Toward a better understanding of the geologic history of the Tibetan Plateau
Rising waters of Nuphar Lake near Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone
Stebbins Gulch in Ohio
Seeking to find elusive foreshock signals for major earthquakes
Simon and Jekyll – two young great white sharks – appear to be BFFs
Searching for tephra from one of the largest explosions of Kīlauea
Processes that put micro-plastics into the marine atmosphere
Will NOAA declare July 2023 as hottest in 174 years? – just how long have they been manipulating the records? – 50% chance – yep, that means it will or it won’t
·????????NOAA report summary:?
Dendrochronology in central Yunnan Province in SW China reflects variability of drought
Biogeochemical insight from the Tocantins River in Brazil – dissolved & particulate carbon & nitrogen
Dinosaur “coliseum” in Denali National Park – largest known single dinosaur track site in Alaska
Key role of Ice Age cycles in inter-breeding of early humans
Fujiwara effect near airport in Colorado - video
Free download:?“Colloid (Nano- and Micro-particle) Transport and Surface Interaction in Groundwater
High-resolution photogrammetry can effectively assess snowpack
New model to predict glacial retreat
3-D seismic reflection data images of Hikurangi Subduction Zone beneath North Island, New Zealand
Pleistocene (Pre-Younger Dryas) Rancho La Brea megafaunal extinctions driven by wildfires
Measuring coral calcification rates off Hawaiian Islands in lower photic zone
Computational modeling of Triassic Saurosuchus skull suggests weaker bit than modern crocodiles
Risk posed by asteroids and other NEO – hazards by the numbers:?Torino Impact Hazard Scale
Venetoraptor gassenae – Late Triassic pterosaur had raptor-like beak & long hands with scimitar-like claws
The evolution of sea spiders
Arenaerpeton supinatus – Triassic amphibian species in Sydney Basin in Australia
3D Elevation Program in Oregon
·????????USGS Fact Sheet 2023-3029:?
Comparison of EQ and the National Volcano early warning systems
·????????USFS Fact Sheet 2023-3033: ?
Geology & assessment of Cherokee coal bed in Fort Union Formation, south-central Wyoming
·????????USGS SIR 2023-5067: ?
Role of Southern Alaskan dust storms in climate
Iceland meteorological office declared end of Litli-Hrutur crater eruption
Trilobites with extra gills better suited to surviving mass extinctions
Seismic activity on Campi Flegrei volcano in Italy
Volcano tourism on Mount Etna
The 1823 unusual eruption of Kīlauea