Geoscience Bulletin Board – 1 July 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
“Beachball” earthquake focal mechanisms at Yellowstone
Future asteroid strike – limited readiness to prevent impact – methods to inform the public not fully developed
New interpretation & mapping off offshore sedimentary basins of New Zealand reveal clues to continental evolution
Tracing anthropogenic radionuclides in helps reveal pathways & timing of mingling of Atlantic & Arctic currents
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Distinguishing atmospheric and oceanic tsunami waves from 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption
Experimental model may explain volcanic processes that carbonatite could transport green metals upward to the surface of the Earth in magmatic sulfide systems
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Magnitude of horizontal & vertical displacements in December 2020 Petrinja earthquake in Croatia
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Toward improved understanding of dust source in Gurbantunggut Desert in Junggar Basin in China
Reservoir of dissolved organic matter in the ocean
Large plume of Saharan Desert dust to reach the Atlantic Coast
Oil-sands production in Canada among most carbon-intensive sources of oil
Suggesting that Tunguska event was caused by black hole but evidence is lacking
2D hydraulic model for Chain of Lakes on Fox River in McHenry County, Illinois
·?????? USFS SIR 2024-5056:?
Predicting depth to bedrock in Delaware River Basin using noisy data on multiscale performance
Dissolved arsenic concentrations of upper Klamath River Basin waters in Oregon & California
·?????? USGS SIR 2024-5029:?
El Ni?o forecast for 18 months using physics-based model – explainable predictability
Impact of seamounts on ocean circulation due to intense turbulence
Direct measurement (using fluorescent dye) of cold deep water upwelling via turbulent mixing along slope of submarine canyon in Atlantic Ocean - observed rate was 10,000+ times the predicted global average
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Active eruption cycle on Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland may continue for decades
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New model of “missing” aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei
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Water transport in subduction zones includes nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) and water-bearing minerals – stishovite (SiO2) may retain large amounts of water but has limited stability deep in the Mantle
New method for visualization & prediction of sedimentation in soft-ground drilling
100-foot diameter sinkhole opens up beneath soccer field in Alton, Illinois– video
Deformation on Mauna Loa
Heap leach landslide at Eagle Mine in Canada
Possible causes of Sorte debris flow in Switzerland
Upwelling mantle plume created ocean basin in Mongolia 410 myo
Why the US has so many tornadoes – all about convergence & contrast
Reconstruction of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
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Ammonites were not in decline prior to Late Cretaceous event
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Growth mechanism for golf ball & even grapefruit size hail
“Expert” opinions on the global methane budget
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Planetary geology:? lower-temperature hydrothermal vents could create conditions that support if on “ocean worlds” in the Solar System
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Klondike gold rush history from Seattle, Washington, to Skagway
Exceptionally well-preserved assemblage of Cambrian trilobites in High Atlas of Morocco
Geomyth - debunking popular claim that Protoceratops inspired legend of the Griffin
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Visualizing Saudi Aramco oil reserves
Yeah, this is a brilliant idea:? $60M scheme to pump carbon to bottom of the ocean to “solve” non-existent climate crisis
Inbreeding did not cause extinction of Wooly Mammoth – lack of genetic evidence to support inbreeding concept
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