Georgian women use riot shields as mirrors to apply lippie !!
Chris Windley
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N.B. This is NOT Georgia, USA !!! ( It is Georgia in Europe )
Actually Georgian women are even more direct than this when it comes to dealing with " riot police ".
roughly translated this means ..... ( Absolutely savage poster from #GeorgiaProtests #NoToRussianLaw says Marika Mikiashvili )
"The only way you could possibly make a woman wet is with a water cannon."
Georgians - like Ukrainians - have had enough of Russians and Russian influence.
Georgia - like Ukraine - borders Russia and used to be part of the Soviet Union ( USSR ).
Georgia left the USSR like Ukraine in 1991.
Almost exactly like Ukraine Putin's Russia has made excuses to invade Georgia's sovereign borders and temporarily occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The Georgian people do not want the Russian World or Russian Laws and Influence.
This is why they are protesting peacefully.
Scenes that remind us of Maidan in Ukraine.
Georgians are fighting for Ukraine in Ukraine and Ukrainians have helped Georgians in Georgia.
Georgia is just one of the - more than 20 - countries that Russia invaded in the last 100 years alone.
Putin cannot stand the fact that these former USSR countries prefer to align with the West ( Europe and EU ) and are free and independent and sovereign.
In Washington DC Georgian flags fly alongside Ukrainian flags outside The White House.
I will be updating on the progress of the Georgian protests and we wish them the best with their desire for freedom and self determination and the end of Russian aligned Oligarch influence.