It is so painful to see how Africans, particularly Cameroonians, are so outraged about George Floyd's death by the US policemen, whereas Cameroonians witness police brutality on a daily basis. In fact, to make it simple, we have been so used to police brutality to such a point that citizens killed by security forces are no longer shocking to a majority of Cameroonians anymore.

Please! Cameroonians when you want to express your avalanche disapproval and sympathies about the killing of George Floyd, I invite you to go back and look at what has happened in your country for the past 4 years only.

Let's remember how lawyers, respectable people in the society, were brutalised because they were protesting against the government's discrimination to the English speaking Cameroonians.

Let's remember the students who were molested and raped by policemen in Buea when they were protesting against their horrible conditions at the university.

Let's remember the many Cameroonians who have been illegally and arbitrarily detained for more than 4 years now without committing any crime. A majority of them have not even had a trial.

Let's remember the more than 3000 people, who have died because of a war that the illegitimate regime of Biya started, and due to their arrogance, they remain obstinate to end the war peaceful because they don't want to leave power. Where is the African Union and other African countries putting their efforts to end this war?

Above all, let's equally show our outrage for Samuel Wazizi a journalist whose death was revealed this week after he was illegally and arbitrarily arrested. To make matters worse, for close to a year, his family could not even see him ( He is also a human being. He deserves justice just like many other people dead and others that are still illegally detained in prison. Samuel Wazizi was not killed by whites but by blacks. In Africa and Cameroon, in particular, it is a black government that kills its own citizens. We have been living this way for the past 6 decades. What message have we sent to the world?

After the tribulations of slave trade and colonialism of white indiscriminate massacre of blacks, Africans were supposed to send another message to the world about how happy they can live among themselves. Unfortunately, the irresponsible Africans leaders, whose only concern is to remain in power, by all means, have made the Africans continent uninhabitable. We see Africans every day attempting to cross the sea to become beggars in Europe. We have made the African continent to be a place that scares black people all over the world to come and settle because our illegitimate governments respect white people more than blacks. Can you imagine a white man being mistreated in Africa like George Floyd? Why do you think it is practically impossible for a white man to suffer in Africa?

This is the reality of Africa. Why should we be surprised when Europeans, Chinese, Arabs and others don't respect us? It is because we have failed to build a country where a black can comfortably live there and prosper. As I always say, in this world, respect is earned and not given.


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Wanah Immanuel Bumakor


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