George Carlin & Frank Sinatra on Career Development
George Carlin did a bit on fellow drivers on the road.? They fell into two categories, and he explains in the link below. It is humorous and if you spend time on the road, it is accurate.? Over time I have noticed the same pattern in how individuals behave in an organization. I find people are either under-stepping or over-stepping in their behaviors. After 25 years working in industry, it is obvious the over-steppers grow faster in an organization, odds are they lead the organization, and have a more fulfilling career (…but also subject to more short-term career risks).
If you listen to the lyrics of “My Way”, Frank Sinatra has the following lines:
"Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all, and I stood tall
And did it my way"
For those that are over-steppers out there, you will bite off more than you can chew on occasion. Some organizations will accept, and some will not.? But you need to be true to yourself if you want to achieve your career ambitious. I have seen time and time again how the over-steppers have paid the price with their current employer. But what I can say, those folks usually end up better off in their next role. I have also seen how under-steppers are more at risk over the long run. Risk could be they are replaced by over-steppers, underpaid, not happy with career progress or feel trapped.? In the words of George Carlin, go be a maniac.? There is no such thing of a risk-free career.