George & Amal's Haunted English Home
The Victorian village of Sonning, Berkshire is a home away from home for George Clooney and his family. The charming, historic, and haunted English getaway is a multi-million-dollar estate that is nothing short of enchanting. The popular celebrity couple has much to celebrate, including being the proper lord and lady of the massive 17th-century mansion, known locally as The Mill House. The eloquent manor sits nestled on the River Thames in the British countryside. The nine-bedroom, eight-bathroom limestone mansion offers amenities befitting of royalty. The Clooney's massive abode was formerly known as The Aberlash House and is located just an hour from the historical Highclere Castle.
The estate grounds are aesthetically pleasing to the eye, complete with luxurious lawns stretching far and wide down to and along the River Thames where a charming footbridge, greenhouse, and garden pavilion have been pleasantly embellished with images of blooming mature trees and massive flower beds. The view from the manor's many windows includes the image of a lovely little ghost girl that frolic's about the bridge and also haunts the lower regions of Holme Park, where the king's palace once stood. The village has long been considered haunted for hundreds of years, but a more recent account of the latest paranormal news concerning the ghost girl was reported to the UK Daily News by the world's top paranormalist, illusionist, and magician, Uri Geller, who just happens to be George and Amal's neighbor. Uri claims that strange occurrences take place on the bridge along with the sighting of a sweet little ghost girl who crosses the Sonning Bridge, which is close enough to the Clooney estate that it will be almost impossible for the celebrity couple not to come in contact with the ghost girl's image.
The bridge has a deep history that spans several centuries, and according to the Royal Berkshire history, the Sonning Bridge has always been a well-traveled arch bridge. Completed in 1775, the haunted bridge crosses the River Thames at Sonning, Berkshire, linking Sonning with Sonning Eye /Oxfordshire. The beauty and history of the bridge have attracted many famous artists throughout the years who have been so captivated by the structure that they could not help but memorialize it by illustrating the bridge's beauty in drawings and paintings. The bridge is tied to many paranormal legends that include it being haunted by the ghost of a white hare, known as the spirit of the corn. Feared by the living, it is most unfortunate for the person that comes into contact with it. In fact, the villagers feared the sight of the white hare so much that the local farmers would only cross the bridge in groups of two or more after darkness had set in.
One of the greatest legends surrounding the bridge has always been the pretty little ghost girl that has been seen by hundreds of locals and visitors to the area. Her ghost has become a familiar presence in the lower regions of Holme Park where the palace once stood but is now home to the Reading Blue Coat School. The young ghost girl is most often seen walking along the towpath beside the Thames where she frolics playfully and then, poof, she simply vanishes into the countryside. One particularly creepy occurrence involves the eerie apparition of Miss Rich, who by most accounts has been seen jumping a high fence on Sonning Lane at the precise moment that the clock strikes twelve. The sight of her spirit is alarming to the living when you consider that she is dressed head to toe in 19th-century garb that mimics that of heavy drapery. Her stark-white face becomes illuminated during the full moon when her apparition appears to those around her as somewhat transparent.