Geological Exploration
1. Introduction
2. Geological mapping
a. Desk study includes understanding the main objectives of the geological study, gathering any previous data , reports and published articles
b. Preparation of base map
c. Remote sensing work (analysis of multi spectral remote sensing data, Digital elevation models DEMs)
d. Field work ; Detailed field investigation for validation of the remote sensing data, collection field observations, understanding field relationships and measure different geological structures
e. GIS analysis and map production All of the previous data sets will be represented in ArcGIS data base and manipulated to construct different geological maps
3. Structure geology
a. Introduces the basic mechanical principles in structural geology, like stress, strain, elastic and plastic deformation in materials and rocks.
b. Enables the student to recognize and describe the different geological structures (joints, faults, folds, etc.).
c. Study the mechanism of the formation of different structures.
d. Helps the student to determine time-structural event relationships.
e. Review the skills of using the geological maps and the stereographic methods in structural geology.
f. Study geological structures in the lab and in the field through field trip.
4. Exploration story (Economical aspect)
a. Select area
b. Collect and interpret regional data
c. Define local target area
d. Field reconnaissance
e. Geophysical work
f. Reconnaissance drilling
g. Bracket drilling
h. Ore discovery
Task Time Number of Hours
Introduction and Geological mapping
2 days
10 Hours
Structure geology
2 days
10 Hours
1 day
5 Hours
Field work
1 day at least
5 Hours or more
Duration of Course: 30 Hours or more for field work.