Is Geoengineering Real & Dangerous?

Is Geoengineering Real & Dangerous?

Personal impressions and reflections on the findings of Dane Wigington, lead researcher of as presented in the documentary “The Diming” and the interview “Stop Geo-Engineering

Dane Wigington—along with a quickly growing number of other scientists from around the globe and thought-leaders, like the current US Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—warns about the catastrophic effects of geoengineering/climate engineering/solar radiation management/stratospheric aerosol injections (often marginalized by the media as the “chemtrails”) that—along?with the destructive effects of other environmental pollutants—are rapidly destroying earth’s life supporting system.

I was shocked at Dane Wigington’s blunt assessments that—due to geoengineering, which he alleges has been going on for many decades—we are environmentally in a far more dangerous situation than most people can imagine.

?So, what is it that shocked me so much?

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The aim of geoengineering is to cool the planet and prevent the effects of global warming (generally attributed—unlike in other, earlier warming periods—to the fast increase in greenhouse gases like CO2).

Core to these operations is the manipulation of electrically conducive atmospheric particulates with frequency transmissions. These are, in many cases, 10 times more powerful than communication frequencies and can also be emitted from cell phone towers.

According to Dane Wigington, the long-term effects of geoengineering—that, he says, has been secretly going on for many decades, while governments only describe this patented technology as a possible option for the future—are in many ways catastrophic for the planetary systems, including the climate, and the destructive effects are showing now at an alarming rate and scope all around the globe. In the interview “Stop Geo-Engineering” Dane Wiginton explains, that geoengineering technology has been used for over 75 years by the military (weather as a weapon).

Currently, Wigington explains, the planet is statistically heating at the thermal energy equivalent of seven Hiroshima bombs per second. Most of the heat is still being absorbed by the oceans. Normally, given earth’s cycles of cooling and warming, we would be in a cooling phase, and the temperatures should fall. But the reality is vastly different. Generally, the unnatural warming is, as said, attributed to the rapid increase in greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution. However, as Wigington points out in, e.g., the interview “Stop Geo-Engineering” or the docu “The Dimming”, geoengineering plays a devastating role with respect to global warming, too, that no one really talks about.


The overall negative effects of geoengineering are:

·???????Worsening the global warming dramatically (preventing the planet from responding naturally to the already caused damages)

·???????Contaminating air, water (rain) and soil with highly toxic elements (exactly those elements that are described in the geoengineering patents and which can be found in large-scale tests everywhere). These elements include: alumina, barium, strontium, manganese and polymer fibers (to keep the particulate matter longer in the air).

·???????Destroying the ozone layer (and other parts of earth’s atmosphere) which allows dangerous cosmic radiation (also from the sun) to reach the earth’s surface.


Detailed negative effects of geoengineering are:

·???????Contributing to the rapid destruction of the biosphere, like forests. The trees shut down their stomata, their respiratory ports, and stop breathing. Dead forests mean:

o??No oxygen

o??No sequestering of carbon (example: the Amazon is no longer a carbon sink)

o??No cooling of the planet

·???????Destruction of precipitation cycles

·???????Destruction of the soil (the soil’s microbiome), which becomes more and more alkaline. The toxic elements prevent roots from absorbing nutrients. Plants become weak, and agricultural production decreases in many places around the globe.

·???????Contamination of water, e.g., toxic rain, etc. 90% of the plankton (producing oxygen) in the Atlantic has disappeared, as a peer-reviewed study showed, Wigington points out in the interview “Stop Geo-Engineering”. ?

·???????Countless negative effects on human health, plant- and wildlife. Especially the combination of toxic chemicals—like alumina and mercury—enhance the toxicity by as much as 10,000%.

·???????The dimming of the sun hampers the use of alternative energies, like solar, dramatically.

·???????The hazardous chemicals (metals) can turn human beings into antenna responding to signals from cell phone towers. Resonating with microwave frequencies, can, e.g., destroy the cell’s mitochondria.

·???????The growing danger of the destruction of Earth’s ability to form clouds (we could become like planet Venus). The cloud tipping point is scientifically believed to be at an atmospheric equivalent of 1200 PPM (parts per million) of CO2. Today, we have 425 PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, if one includes the much stronger greenhouse gas effects of methane (120 times more potent than CO2 over a 10-yr. time horizon) along with other greenhouse gases (like water vapor, i.e., clouds), we may already be close to an equivalent of 1100 PPM.

·???????Rapid destruction of all life support systems. A collapse is imminent, Wigington fears.

Types of weather manipulation of geoengineering:

·???????Flash droughts (e.g., via VPD, vapor pressure deficit, reducing the atmospheric relative humidity)

·???????Flash floods

·???????Flash freeze (chemical ice nucleating operations). Wiginton names the dramatic drop in temperature (down to 28 degrees) in June of 2023 in New York as an example, while there are record high numbers in Northern Canada and Siberia.

·???????Ionosphere heaters all around the globe, like HAARP in Alaska, create domes of high pressure in the atmosphere, known as High Pressure Heat Domes; e.g., in Canada or over Siberia incinerating forests. Burning forests is meant to cool the climate short-term via the released smoke (particulate matter blocking the sun). Long-term, the effects cause more warming.

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·???????The chemicals like alumina are, Wigington explains, sprayed into the air via planes (commercial and military aircraft). This can be seen in the sky as the long, white trails, that initiate cloud formations, resulting in a white haze that blocks the sun. Technically, modern, highly efficient jet engines, so-called high bypass turbofan jet engines, do only under very rare and extreme circumstances produce any condensation trails (short or long). Thus, Wigington explains, the trails in the sky are the results of released chemicals, via, e.g., extra spray nozzels.

·???????As the geoengineering operations cause so many devastating effects and the warming accelerates, high-level talks on this subject are openly considering using nuclear weapons to create enough particulate matter to block the sunlight in a nuclear-winter scenario. Wiginton warns that this will strip away of what is left of earth’s atmosphere, turning earth into a Venus-like planet.


Observing the sky, one can, indeed, find planes that leave absolutely no trails—just like Wigington says it should be due to the design of the jet engines—while other aircraft on the same day, around the same time, have them: the shorter ones and the long, thickening trails that seem to go on forever.

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This is a lot to take in. Can this be true? Is geoengineering happening in our skies all around the globe? Wigington presents a lot of coherent information, insights from decades of extensive research, results from comprehensive analyses. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., well known for his fights for the environment as a leading environmentalist and fearless lawyer, thinks geoengineering is a pressing issue, too.

In any case, the issue needs to be debated publicly in a transparent fashion. While the implementation of geoengineering is still officially not being acknowledged, countries like Mexico are beginning to grasp the negative effects this technology can have on the environment as this headline from the beginning of 2023 highlights.

“Mexico cracks down on solar geoengineering, forcing startup to pause operations”

Other articles, from The Times or The Guardian, etc., echoe fundamental concerns, too, as their headlines clearly indicate:

"EU warns of rising climate-fuelled conflict, risks of geoengineering"

"Blocking the Sun May Fight Climate Change But Kill Our Crops"

"Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say"

"EU calls for global talks on climate geoengineering risks"

"Some Politicians Want to Research Geoengineering as a Climate Solution. Scientists Are Worried"


All our environmental issues that we are facing arise of a state of mind that is not in harmony with Nature. Thanks to the revolutionary, scientific findings of Albert Einstein, backed up by the seminal work of mathematician Emmy Noether, we know that Nature, the cosmos has a simple, beautiful principle: LOCAL SYMMETRY.

“The perspectives offered by symmetry (…) It is imperative that we try to give the nonscientific members of society, who, through democratic processes, make the final decisions, a better understanding of the key issues. In fact, our future depends upon it.”—Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, pp.24-25; emphasis added)


Instead of focusing on Nature’s core principle—like physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate, Leon Lederman, urges in the book “Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe”, along with his colleague and co-author, Christopher Hill—the predominant emphasis is on the exact opposite: globalism.

Local Symmetry (harmony, balance, wholeness) and globalism could not be further apart. In fact, the entire cosmos sticks to its central LOCAL principle of self-similar, self-organization, LOCAL SYMMETRY, because globalism does not work in Nature. Why? The most obvious reason is that the constant speed of light in empty space prevents information from being transmitted instantly. So, forget about globalism if you want to do anything creatively long-term in this universe.

Nature is smart. By using the same, simple, basic organizing principle everywhere LOCALLY, Nature does not have to control, or micromanage everything. The cosmos—with its equally local laws that follow the scheme of Locally Symmetry—can elegantly, i.e., effectively and efficiently, self-organize into a highly creative unity-network. In our mesmerizing universe, the LOCAL aspect is highly valued. LOCAL comes first and global second. Not the other (unfeasible) way around.

Here on planet earth, the name of the losing game is, however, globalism, which causes more and more problems, simply because this concept does not work—anywhere in the infinite spacetime continuum.


If geoengineering is really happening and as destructive as Wigington says, then it is one more sad and frightening example of a pure globalist approach—which always comes with wanting to control all, as the inherently self-destructive concept is doomed from the get-go.

A positive, inspiring future for mankind in harmony with Nature that benefits all—people and planet—can, logically, only occur if humanity consciously reconnects with Nature’s simple, highly intelligent, core principle of Local Symmetry.


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Eric Moreland

C.B.S.A. Professional Designation

2 个月

Great article! Glad to see someone else actually doing research instead of going to the "Fact Checkers" websites for more paid propaganda. #TheDimming documentary is one of(if not THEE) best documentaries on the subject of #ClimateEngineering thus far. Search the patents section at! People REALLY need to Open their eyes & just look up. #StratosphericAerosolInjection #SAI #SRM #SolarRadiationManagement #ProjectCloverleaf #ProjectCirrus #OperationStormFury #ChemicalIceNucleation #IonosphereHeaters



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