Geo Collaboration Components
For a robust Geo Collaboration system, the following components are essential.
Advanced Mapping and Situational Awareness
An advanced mapping system is the foundation for Geo Collaboration. A map is used to display people, objects, vehicles, incidents, etc. for a bird’s eye view and situational awareness.
The ability to bring maps appropriate for the current situation is crucial. For example, if there is a leak in a pipeline or a fire inside a subway system you need to be able to quickly display that map.
Object Oriented Architecture
Objects on the map provide spatial and relational information. With an object oriented architecture a simple tap on an object provides additional information.
Multi-mode Communications
Collaboration is not possible without communication. The more communication options there are, the more productive the collaboration. Fortunately, modern technology allows a variety of communication tools such as audio, video and text chatting and broadcasting and dynamic group messaging.
Notifications, Tasks and Workgroups
Typically, collaboration is initiated when an incident occurs and people are notified. Tasks and workgroups allow the appropriate people to collaborate to complete the job.
Smart Phones
Geo Collaboration is typically used in applications where people are very mobile. Therefore a smartphone is an essential component to provide 24/7 connectivity.
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