GenZ - Work ethic or no work ethic?
Joshua Towers
CEO @ Youth4Youth | Director of Youth Services @ YMCA Fairthorne Group | Charity Exec | Charity Chief Exec | Charity Trustee
I often hear that Gen Z are ‘lazy’. That they aren’t career focused, and bunny-hop around different jobs. I’ve even heard suggestions that younger people simply don’t want to work — but still expect to ‘have it all’.
As someone who’s part of this generation, I may be biassed, but I’m saddened to hear such sweeping statements receive airtime as Gen Z — those born after 1997 — enter and navigate the world of work. In my experience, negative comments about Gen Z’s work ethic are nothing but baseless caricature.?
I assume there are some Gen Z individuals who struggle with work ethic, which may have spawned these stereotypes. But let’s be clear: no generation is a monolith, so branding the entirety of Gen Z this way makes little sense. I set up Teenage Helpline when I was 14 years old, running the organisation alongside my GCSEs, A Levels, degree, and finally a full-time career.?
Keeping Teenage Helpline on track has also meant juggling my health, mental well-being, family commitments, and relationships. Throughout this time, I have worked with many different people — including a large number of Gen Z individuals. I’ll forever be inspired by the effort these young people put into expanding their horizons, creating, and seizing opportunities.?
Just this week,?I’ve been interviewing prospective peer mentors, who are selflessly looking to join Teenage Helpline to provide support to peers in need.?All our peer mentors are volunteers aged 16 to 25, balancing the role with their studies or careers. Teenage Helpline prides itself on being a truly youth-led organisation, providing opportunities for these young people to shine.?
I interviewed roughly 15 aspiring mentors this week, and every single one of them demonstrated an admirable work ethic. Each individual showed commitment to their studies, extra-curricular activities, and career, all while generously volunteering to improve the well-being of others.?
I’m frustrated when I hear young people belittled for focusing on mental well-being like this — along with work-life balance, and a sense of fulfilment in their career.?Employees with these attitudes can, in fact, be of great help to their organisations.?
This morning,?I was reading a?Forbes Article?that discussed the challenges of managing Gen Z in the workplace. It quotes several stats from a study by ThoughtExchange — a survey platform — that suggest Gen Z may be more engaged with their organisation’s mission, and more motivated to develop well-rounded skills, than previous generations.?
According to the study, 85% of Gen Z workers want to work for a company with a mission, while 80% prefer a job that allows them to explore and grow a range of skills, rather than sticking to one skillset.
A further 95% said it’s important they feel valued, included, and empowered at work, while 79% value a manager who cares about their personal development as much as their professional development.
When asked what I think of the younger generation’s work ethic, I can only speak to what I’ve seen. Over the years, I’ve observed young people’s dedication not only to their own growth and development, but also to ensuring that others have the same — or greater — opportunities. Alongside this dedication, I’ve seen a healthy approach to work-life balance, which, far from being a foible, is something I think a lot of people currently in the workforce could learn from.
Rather than interrogating the work ethic of younger generations, I believe we should be asking ourselves how employers can foster a workplace where these individuals feel valued and fulfilled.?