Gentle Parenting
Gentle Parenting: What is it and why has it increased in popularity? Let’s travel back in history for a moment; specifically your family history. I’m willing to bet that, if you reflect on your relationship with your parents, there was a clear distinction between them as the authority figures versus your compliant role as their child. With some room for variation, back then, generally speaking, it was more important to our parents to create structure and discipline than it was to be our “friends”. Well, times have changed. Today, many parents long to have a loving, friend-like relationship with their children from youth into adulthood, which means that they're now parenting more consciously with that long-term goal in mind. Parents have employed a more “gentle parenting” approach to raising their kiddos in recent years. Gentle parenting is a sweet spot between authoritarian and permissive parenting. While it is more lenient and fluid than authoritarian parenting, which sets strict rules for children, it is firmer and more structured than permissive parenting, which has almost no boundaries. Curious how your parenting style is currently impacting your relationship with your child? Schedule a consultation call today where we can discuss a plan for the ideal parenting style for you and your child. Common Desk ATX #DrKarenCommunity #EmpowermentJourney #MindfulLiving #HealthyHousehold #DrKarenConsulting #ParentingGuide #FamilyConnection #GentleParenting