Be gentle with hearts...even the ones you think are strong enough...
Emma Jane Taylor, UK
?? DIRECTOR of lifestyle businesses. **OFFICIAL PAGE** Self-confessed workaholic/ fitness addicted tap dancer(!) - Mentor - Award Winning Campaigner - Author Don’t Hold Back - Founder Project 90-10 Charity - NO DMs
Be gentle with hearts ??
I hope my writing and sharing gives you some hope and reminds you that you are not alone, never have been and never will be ????
We have all stood in our own painful shoes, all of us, but until you have felt the pain of the trauma that others have faced, don't try and think you know what it feels like, or judge. I certainly don't and never will. Ever.
I was hurt once by something that someone said about a life matter they will never EVER understand, and the reason they will never understand is because they never stood in my shoes feeling my pain, they were never that child being manipulated and subjected to physical sexual abuse or my emotional pain, how could they even try and think they knew how my pain felt. Sadly, I was immature at the time of hearing what I heard, and didn’t respond constructively. Or understand that person had their own deep rooted issues, because I had never stood in their shoes either. We are all capable of never truly understanding.
Time, therapy and maturity have helped me understand that others have their own issues that we may never get to know about, or understand, and no matter what you do or say they will never listen properly or maybe even understand your pain, because they are hugely complex themselves, with little self esteem or self worth. They might float through life judging others and growing a bitter shell, which we can only watch with sadness, and with a feeling of helplessness. We can however continue to share love, gratitude and hope to that person in the hope that one day they might feel less vulnerable and insecure in themselves. We had to learn ourselves through love, self love, gratitude and hope, and thank goodness.
Personally, you don't need to ever try and second guess what it feels like being physically & sexually abused as a child by a family friend (it is pretty much as bad as it sounds) and you don’t need to try and understand how it feels to have been manipulated / ripped apart emotionally by your biological Father who told you aged 11 on the phone, that he won’t see you again (it’s just as sickening and painful as it sounds!!)
I will never understand any of it, but through the years I have become wiser to my pain & sorrow and also understand that it was never my fault, my perpetrators had their own serious deep rooted issues.
What I can never fathom out though is why my Father never felt brave enough to tell me why he did what he did. He just closed the door and left a whole heap of carnage behind him. Secretive and mysterious. He left delicate young hearts to battle on through his mess. I had to be more than brave to be here today in my shoes and writing this.
One of my questions will also always be, what kind of woman (his wife) supports a man like this? I can’t think I would want to stay with any man who tells his kids he doesn’t want to see them?
In my 40's I was triggered into thinking it was a good time to make contact with my biological Father. Enough pain and water had passed. I was now a Mother, Business Owner and responsible adult who just wanted peace. I was brave.
There are no winners here.
I can forgive. I had moved on after 30 odd years (and thousands of pounds of therapy later) I found my self worth, self love and strength through the power of forgiveness and lots of therapy, it was liberating. I bear no grudges, just sadness for many people.
It took a lot of courage for me to make contact with this man, a man I didn’t know, who had caused me great pain, darkness and sorrow. I was terribly nervous, and didn't sleep for about a week or so as I tried to work out what to say in my message to him. It all seemed a bit odd to be picking up the phone to call my Dad, my own flesh and blood, the man who had abandoned and rejected me as a child.
It seemed like the right time to connect, close some doors. It never occurred to me at the time that he could have tried harder to contact me.
I never approached this call hoping for a Father, or a Grandaddy for my daughter because he would never be either. I had a brilliant Step-Father, who was my Dad and Grandaddy to my daughter. We were fine.
I guess it was curiosity (natural feeling) that made me want to contact him, I just wanted to see this man and share a cup of tea, and maybe hold his hand - feel his touch - to acknowledge and let go of the years. I have no interest in anymore pain or blame. It doesn’t matter. When you have suffered pain at a great height, you get to a point where you can’t face anymore. Life becomes much more about self love and being with the right people who hear and respect your heart, not fill it with sorrow, alas why I have strong boundaries around my life now.
When I finally text my Father, I can pretty much remember what I wrote. I was nervous and excited with blood rushing through me at the romantic thought of possibly meeting my Father. I pressed send and waited.
And waited.
I wasn’t sleeping.
And then about a week or so later (talk about leaving you hanging!). I was told through another family member that he had been in touch. I was nervous with excitement.....and then I heard the message, that hit me below the belt....”he didn’t want me to contact him again, he wanted nothing to do with me”. OUCH! That hurt. More so my hurt was that he sent it via “someone else” and didn’t have any balls to approach me. He wasn’t brave like I had to be.
One thing I’ve learnt in life is to stand up and be transparent.
Thankfully I have faith and know there are no words that could make this better. His bad, his loss.
I never hit him, bit him, hurt him, threatened him, or tried to murder him. I just loved him, unconditionally as a child. Guilty as charged.
Writing has been something that has helped me over the years. I have forgiven my perpetrators, they must have been in a difficult place to have done what they did with me and to me. Thank goodness I found a pair of shoes that fitted better, and you can too. My story is not unusual (sadly) and I hope reading this you will know you have never been alone and together we can make a difference to people’s lives.
Please don’t be careless with young (& old) fragile hearts and minds, they break greatly - especially those full of love and goodness.
#keepthefaith #bewithgoodpeople #heartsmatter