A Gentle Conversation about Death
Angelo John Lewis
Director at Sacred Inclusion Network, Author, Dialogue Circle Method Originator, Workshop Facilitator
Last winter, I interviewed Dr. Christel Manning, who was in the midst of doing research about how non-religious people face the coming of death.
In the course of our talk, I learned that the past decade has given birth to a number of grass-roots organizations that facilitate conversations about a topic many of us don't comfortably talk about.
These groups draw people from across generations and religious or noon-religious belief systems, to help people deal with grief or shine a light on the culture of death denial,
The Sacred Inclusion Network's online community exploration tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 16, presents an opportunity to join this conversation. It takes place at 11 am ET (check your time zone here).
It will be led by Mark Power, who spent nearly twenty years as a chaplain in hospice and palliative care. Currently a trainer and coach, Mark's work is deeply informed by his Buddhist perspective.
The event is free. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/exploredeath