Genoil Inc
Converting Crude so that it has perfect refining characteristics, reducing carbon footprint of crude by 50%
There are a hundred million barrels of oil being pumped out each day from wells all over the world.?On the light oil side we can increase light oil production 54% by converting the 35% residue in the light oil (Brent, WTI) to light oil, 35/65, and 100% on the heavy oil side. If all of the hundred million barrels of oil were light, the the new oil made available with the Genoil process would be 35 million additional barrels that are 100% light or 100 million barrels of pure light oil.??
The way this works today is 65 million barrels of the light oil would be oil and 35 million would be residue.?So the actual production of oil would be 65 million barrels.?The residue would be used for making cement.?The Genoil process converts the residue to light oil so you have actually a 100 million barrels of usable light oil each day as pointed out in the first paragraph.?The Genoil charge would be $5.00 a barrel royalty or 500 million dollars a day.??Heavy oil production is included here in the 100 million barrels of world oil production where 100% of the oil becomes light by our process.?We offer financing presently on our own projects through banks we are backed by.
We proposed to Russia in July, 2019 that all oil, natural gas and all exported natural resources go to China presenting a 700 billion dollar funding from China to avoid the Ukrainian War which we predicted. And in fact we delivered a speech to that effect at the Duma Peace Conference on July 2, 2019 which is available in the next link predicting the Ukraine War and that the Russia would be cut off from SWIFT-CHIPS.??
We presented the speech in Russian and the proposal to Shmal Gannady, who is the chief advisor of Vladimir Putin on oil and natural gas who privatized the Soviet oil and natural gas industries in 1991.?In the next link is our press release and another link in the link for an article in the prestigious Asia Times where Shmal Gaddady confirmed receiving our offer.?The article in the Asian Times discusses this offer in line of the heartland doctrines of Halford Mackinder we discussed.
Genoil furnished?Saudi Aramco with a?$5 billion LOI?given to Genoil by the China Development Bank to fund a desulfurization project with the overall goal to create 3.5 million barrels per day of new oil production estimated to cost up to $50 billion USD.?It wold include drilling, pipelines and port facilities if necessary.?If approved by Aramco, Genoil will implement its proprietary Desulfurization Heavy to Light crude upgrading technology in this exciting project. Genoil has been conducting discussions with many contacts in the GCC region about Genoil’s overall regional project goals. A contact of Genoil’s executive management team met with King Salman & Mohammed Bin Salman in March 2019 when the Saudi Crown Prince acknowledged that the five billion dollar LOI was on his desk with the Aramco file..?See the five billion dollar LOI in attachment.?This is presently being handled by our agent Prince Muqrin.
Genoil currently trades under a caveat emptor as Genoil went behind in their filings and the SEC had committed that when the filings were brought up to date they would remove the caveat emptor which they have not done.?The filings are up to date.
As the failure of the green energy production to keep up with the decline in fossil fuel energy production in the transition from oil and natural gas to solar power and wind energy, we see as the only way out to convert the residue to light oil to increase oil production 54% until the green energy rollout is sped up.?This creates a great opportunity for an alliance between Genoil and major Wall St. firms for funding and the creation of relationships with major oil producers worldwide.
David Lifschultz
CEO and Chairman
The Lifschultz Organization
One Rockefeller Center
11th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Tel: +1.212.688.8868