The Genius Zone, Early Decision Unbound, and Trending #Harvard
Benjamin Caldarelli
Reimagining college counseling as the cornerstone of secondary education
??Hi everyone,
?Greetings from New York!
Welcome back to those of you who have been following along, and welcome to those of you who have recently joined us.
?? The Savvy Applicant is a biweekly newsletter where I share important news and actionable guidance on the selective college admissions process—And I never pull any punches!?
?If you have a question you'd like answered or a topic you'd like us to spend more time on, please let me know in the comments.??
To join our community of over 5,300 students, parents, and educators sign-up here.?
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??Time In
?While some seniors who applied through an early admissions program may already be sporting their new school sweatshirt, many will have to continue waiting until spring. MIT cheekily releases decisions on Pi Day (March 14), and others start to roll out from there.??
???Class of 2023 - Your admissions season is now officially underway. Everyone should be digging in on researching college options
That probably sounds ridiculous to anyone who, like me, applied to college in the 90s or before, but things are seriously different now.?
???Underclassman - The Savvy Applicant always has something for you. You have time on your side. The question is what will you do with it?!?
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??The Genius Zone
Over the course of the year, I will write a lot about admission strategy. Thinking strategically starts by taking a step back, looking at the big picture from 30,000 feet, and asking — How can I stand out from so many other well-qualified applicants?
?Because your application will probably be read in under 8 minutes, the answer lies in developing an application persona
Rick Clark, Dean of Admissions at Georgia Tech, has said that admissions officers must effectively boil down an applicant to one sentence.?At PCC, we call this sentence your "Genius Zone."?
Your "Genius Zone" may get expressed in a sentence, but it's actually a larger strategy for authentically powering your potential throughout high school. Much more to come on this...
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??Inside The Box
?To begin thinking about your "Genius Zone" you must understand the holistic admissions process
?? Inside the Black Box of Holistic Admissions, is available exclusively to The Savvy Applicant community on a private Youtube channel.
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??Early Decision Unbound
?It is often said that applying to college Early Decision is a "binding contract" meaning that, if admitted, the student must attend. This is a half-truth at best.
Colleges can't in good faith require a student to commit prior to them knowing the actual net price. Sorry Northeastern! Other schools like NYU have been less than forthcoming on their websites as well. The New York Times' Ron Lieber explains in detail.
He continues to hold colleges' feet to the fire in a follow-up article about Early Decision and "merit aid." This is a must read for anyone who wouldn't comfortably afford a $75,000 tuition bill.?
???Why is this all so important?
Early Decision is a strategic choice that may significantly improve your chances of admission. Colleges are so obsessed with high yield rates that they are admitting more and more of their class through Early Decision.?
?In fact, some colleges are so embarrassed by the high number of early admits that they don't like to share the actual data.?Investigative reporting by higher ed insider Jeff Selingo estimates its north of 50 percent at UPenn, Dartmouth, and Duke.??
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??Trending #Harvard??
?I watch what's happening in the admissions office at the 8 schools in Ivy League (athletic conference) closely because it's often representative of what's brewing at the other "highly rejectives."?
?Historically, Harvard has been the most significant trendsetter of the bunch. And in the modern era, no dean of admission has made more of an impact on the landscape than Harvard's William Fitzsimmons.
The application evaluation process at Harvard is complex, but A.L.D.C.'s (athletes, legacies, dean's interest list, children of faculty) have a definite advantage. From the lawsuit challenging their admissions practices, we learned that this group represents 5 percent of applicants and 30 percent of admits.?
?Additionally, we recently learned Harvard would be staying "test-optional" for at least the next four years. This is better than required standardized testing, but one of the vaguest admission requirements possible.?
?There are more cynical ways to explain the policy—which exists at most colleges now—but according to Harvard, it is mostly due to a concern about lack of?access to testing (and sophisticated preparation)?due to covid and other circumstances.??
?Admissions Insight: Students from families with the resources to test should test, as a high score (≈1500 / 34 +) will be advantageous. It will complement the other aspects of your application.
??Bold Move: After copious research, declare your opposition, philosophically and/or?politically, to standardized college admissions testing. Then do not study for or take the SAT or ACT.?
This is not right for most students, but if it's authentic to your ethos and complements everything else in your application --- an AO might love it.?Another AO, however, might not. Bottom line: When the odds are against you, being bold doesn't guarantee success, but it may increase the potential for serendipity.?
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A few more things...
And I'll leave you with one quote to ponder and one photo that I hope inspires you...
Until next time,
Ben, Peter and the PCC Team