Genius or Stupid? Your Choice
Peter Smith
Sales Strategist specializing in disrupting the Retail Automotive Sales Arena focusing on post-COVID market adaptation, team rebuilding, and data-driven sales growth.
Let us continue with Einstein’s theory about the fish and the tree. In the quote, a fish would more or less consider itself stupid if it couldn’t climb a tree. Deeper into psychology of the quote is if the fish knew it was unable or not expected to climb the tree it would be brilliant. One level more is, if it adapted to get to the top by other means, it would be genius. Decades ago, I was in an anthropology course in University, the professor was discussing the evolutionary levels of the hunters, gatherers and fishermen. It was his belief that they were scaled by the levels of development while I debate it was their adoption of circumstances and they were all equal. Regardless, be it the fish or evolution they all relate back to one thing effort equals results.
If we look at the fish. The only way it would believe it was stupid would be if it tried to climb the tree and failed. Effort equals Result. Without effort, result would never be realized and therefore a recognized return or the necessary pivot would not be found. In business, this is simply defined as a Return on Investment (ROI) with the investment ranging from sweat equity to financial. Think about it for a moment. If you are to engage in anything, anything at all, what are you looking for… A Result. This result can be measured against effort giving a quantifiable measurement of performance. The problem is most, expect more from little without recognizing the clear fact that preparation and effort reap greater returns. This is why we see people chasing the miracle cures to life’s issues regardless of the reasoning.
When I'm contracted for any of my services, my first question is what type of data collection they are analysing to move forward with their desired growth, most will say financial without the drill down into funnels. They do not track their efforts or returns other than on the balance sheet. How can you possibly find the answers from that? They can’t. The only information provided from the balance sheet is purely financial. It will never say that a social platform is over performing a sponsorship placement, or a print ad had a ROI of 191%. This is mission critical in today’s business environment.
Recognizing this need, why do businesses and firms continue to operate this way expecting the results to improve? The main reason is most of the companies are operated by the Old Guard that gathered their clients through networking in pre-internet world. They are resistant to change and reluctant to listen. This even happens to those who actually are aware of the power of today’s digital software and capabilities. Why? The only answer I have or can confidently say is “FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN”. This fear is crippling. In five years years, two countries, multiple states and provinces I have only come across one company that accurately tracks everything. If I asked them a question they could respond with a concise, intelligent, factual answer. The same they were expecting of me.
So, what does this have to do with the evolutionary statement above? All three groups adapted to their surroundings through effort and failure getting the needed result… survival. Today’s business environment requires a greater adaption and adoption than ever before. With the rapid progress of technology and its inclusion to consumer markets focus must be transferred to channels never before engaged. Only twenty years ago did the internet become commonplace in the workplace, ten years ago social media, five years ago analytics, today AI (Artificial Intelligence). Tomorrow is bringing VR (Virtual Reality) and more. Are you ready for this? If not, what are you prepared to do to get ahead of it?