The Genius Myth
We all have our heroes. You know, the people we admire and lean to for inspiration. Many of them have been labeled geniuses and maybe rightfully so, I mean sure, they were masters at what they did. Names like Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Van Gogh and Picasso are easily associated and described as genius. And trust me, it’s easy as artists to immortalize these guys. But this whole genius pedestal thing can get carried away pretty quick.
So let me give it to you straight. Genius is nothing more than hard work executed over a consistent amount of time. Sure talent can matter, but talent by itself will get you nowhere if it isn’t for the many hours of sweat equity and dedication. In short, geniuses aren’t appointed from above, they are made down here on Earth.
Of course, no one is going to be offended if you call them a genius, and, by no surprise, I’m not expecting that title will be bestowed upon me anytime soon. But labeling someone a genius, especially early on in life, can cement what’s known as a fixed mindset.
Why we Should Embrace a Growth Mindset.
Well intended adults have said to me when I was a child, “Oh you’re so talented!” Sure it was nice to hear, but the downside to being “talented” meant there was a lot of pressure to live up to being talented. We’re talented and talented people are not suppose to screw up.
People who fall into the, “You either have it or you don’t” camp have what is known as a fixed mindset. Of course they love their genius status but they also would HATE to fail which would bring their status into question . This might be the reason why they shy away from new challenges. Failing might be evidence that they really don’t possess that special genius sauce after all.
In comparison to the fixed mindset, a growth mindset puts all of the empathize on the work and the process. Similar to working out in a gym, putting in enough sweat equity will get you the results. The more you work at your craft, the better you’re going to get at it. It’s as simple as that.
Reference: “Growth Mindset” by Carol Dewitt