Genius is. . .
Posted by Kalika Yap an hour ago
Hello Boss!
“Genius is a talent that’s set on fire by courage.“
I love Van Dyke’s quote because it beautifully encapsulates the equation for genius.
Talent alone isn’t enough.
To access genius we need brilliance, bravery, and boldness.
We all have extraordinary gifts and talents that are bursting to inspire but we put up walls that define what we can achieve.
One way to move past our self-imposed comfort zone is to make a list of what’s scaring us about pursuing our genius.
Once we identify the root of our angst we can make deliberate steps and go beyond our boundaries.
Every day we can start by nurturing our talent with curiosity and diligence.
With each deliberate step, we can move from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
We have this one beautiful life to pursue our genius with unabashed enthusiasm.
What’s your genius that’s waiting to be unleashed?
"Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.
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