Genius Expressionist
Please learn to be more than you are for your own sake--be better than your best--better than you were yesterday. There is always room for self-improvement. Let go of all anger within you--inflictions. Let go right now never dwell on anger ever again because it means you're feeding it. Express it once then flee it. Embrace LOVE accept it as your soul provider--find LOVE within yourself first which means total acceptance of yourself flaws and all. Replace evil self-attacking self sabotaging thoughts Satan's snare aimed to conquer and defeat-- capturing you into a web of self-doubt confining you to demise leaving you a victim of detrimental spew inflicted dung flung controlling your thoughts until realization LOVE empowers you--freeing you from bondage grips of rot.
LOVE will guide you to divinity of thought as opposed to self-sabotaging devilish inflictions creating havoc of your good spirit anger enragement cured by LOVE you chose for self-improvement of letting go of self-hatred the destroyer of you!