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Genevieve Lai
Australia's only female Master Trainer of NLP and Hypnosis | Internationally Accredited Trainer of Time Line Therapy? and NLP Coaching
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One thing I have said many times is "???? ?????? ?????????? ?????????????? ??????????. ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ?????? ????????????, ?????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ??????."
It turns out I myself was not listening.
I was only 23 years old when I ended up in the emergency room at the local hospital for what would be the first of many visits. Often ending up with the same outcome.
Many blood tests, being told a virus hitting my system and therefore resulting in the symptoms I was experiencing and being sent home.
On a couple of occasions, I was admitted to hospital for treatment.
I had a job that I was unfulfilled in. I was constantly researching other career options - event planning, teaching, business consulting - you name it, I possibly investigated it as an option but yet I never took the step.
I was in a relationship with someone who I idolized and was deeply in love with but slowly I was losing who I was and my hopes and dreams for how my future would look. Life was becoming duller and less vibrant by the moment, but it was gradual and slow and most importantly, I did not see it.
Everything felt hard. But yet, I didn’t recognise it. I knew no different. It became my norm. It’s what everyone experienced, right?
I surrounded myself with people who reflected these very things back to me.
I drank, I took drugs all in the search of escaping the reality that was my life.
Over the years, my wake-up calls got louder. They manifested through my physical health. Things became serious.
At 30 I thought I had hit rock bottom. I was given the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I was no longer able to work, I was unable to maintain meaningful relationships and my quality of life had hit an all-time low. I lost much of my independence.
I had been told by a doctor that this was just how my life would be now and I just had to manage it the best I could. I felt completely meaningless to those around me. I did not see that I had any worth to offer the world. And yet I knew that the doctor could not be correct in what he was saying. So I continued seeking other ways.
I listened to the warning signs and I made changes. I completely changed my lifestyle - I changed everything I was consuming. The information I was watching and reading, the food I was eating, the liquids I was consuming - everything.
Things slowly improved and my life did change. I started working again and I was participating in life again. But it felt hard. It felt like I was swimming against the stream, constantly battling my own sense of worth. It was a constant struggle. It felt like there was always a cost, a payoff.
Then at 36, I did hit rock bottom, my rock bottom lasted 18 months. This time it was serious. It was the most traumatising experience I had ever had. It was relentless. Nobody had any answers. Nobody had any solutions. I was desperate. The wake-up call had become so loud it was unable to be ignored. This was the most challenging time in my life. I was pushed beyond what I believed I could deal with.
Amongst what I was experiencing with my physical health, I was experiencing intense fear. In fact, oftentimes, it felt more like terror. And every now and again I would experience anger. Now anger was not a normal experience for me, fear yes, anger no.
One day I was so angry. I was alone and I threw a glass at a wall. That was the big wake-up call that something had to change. I didn’t know what it was, but something had to change and I thought it had something to do with how I was thinking.
I was finally truly ready. Ready to see truthfully, honestly, with love, acceptance, and accountability where my life was at. And the moment I was truly ready, that was the moment the answers started coming. That was the moment I first read a post about Mind & Soul Alignment. I didn’t know what it was but I immediately knew this was something I needed to do.
Of course, I was yet to experience how powerfully my life would change. Over the years I have enrolled in courses and programs, but none have had the profound lasting impact that Mind & Soul Alignment had. This was the start of my connection back to myself, of uncovering who I truly was beneath the layers of the negative beliefs I had been holding about myself without being aware of them. The start of me stepping back into my wholeness. So I took the leap and enrolled.
I remember when I began Mind & Soul Alignment, I was staying at an Airbnb away from my house.
At the Airbnb, there was a steep set of stairs. The very first day I arrived, I walked up one stair at a time so unsteady, lacking in confidence, and incredibly slow. Each stair was one tiny step. I would place one foot, then the other, and stop. Then the next step, one foot, then the other, and stop. Very, very slowly, I would make my way to the top of the stairs.
I had the opportunity each day as I faced those stairs, to see my growth. I could see that I was moving quicker, I was becoming a tiny bit more confident each day and more sure and steady within myself.
I realised that the rest of my life could unfold no different to how I faced the stairs. I realised that I had the ability within me to create that which I desired.
That week in training and with the stairs completely changed my life.
Over the coming months, by continuing to take steps in my life, I was able to see myself more clearly than ever before.
As soon as I began Mind & Soul Alignment in August last year, I experienced immediate small improvements in my health. Over the coming months, these small improvements became much, much larger. Things like driving that I had once taken for granted but had been taken away, now became my reality again. I started experiencing the freedom of choice again. My world opened up to new and incredible possibilities.
My life looks vastly different now.
I am now fulfilling my purpose through meaningful work. I am working full-time hours and absolutely thriving.
I am now rediscovering myself as a single person who knows my worth and my value. I am empowered to make choices that create the life I choose to live.
I have achieved one of my dreams, which was to start my own business.
I co-create with clients for them to tap into their own internal resources, see their magnificence and step into their own growth and profound changes within their own lives.
I now have and continue to build meaningful connected soul relationships. They are beautifully nourishing and supportive.
A life I am incredibly grateful to be living full of energy, motivation, passion and connection.
My overall growth, wellbeing and happiness has never been stronger. And my goals for my future are brighter and more vivid than ever before.
Most importantly my health is the best it has been in over 20 years. The list of unresolved, unable to diagnose “things” - gone!
The most important piece - I can honestly say I love myself. And that is now what is reflected in my life.
We can not change what we are not willing to see. Once we identify and clear away the things that are hampering our best efforts, it becomes far easier to see what is and is not us.
I will be forever grateful to myself for having the courage in choosing me and courageously moving forwards and creating a different path.
Anon - Mind & Soul Alignment Graduate