Genetic Mutation for Human Evolution : A thesis

Genetic Mutation for Human Evolution : A thesis

A genetic mutation is a change to a gene's DNA sequence to produce something different. It creates a permanent change to that gene's DNA sequence. Genetic variations are important for humans to evolve, which is the process of change over generations. A sporadic genetic mutation occurs in one person.?

The Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu is a significant example for the evolution of life forms. From Matsya (to indicate life originates from water in the sacred womb), to Kurma (to indicate stability and support), to Varaha (to dig up all the dirt and discard), Narasimha (to indicate destruction of all evil), Vamana (to indicate humility and splendor in achievement in the form of Trivikrama), Parashurama (to indicate warriorhood and Brahmagyan), Rama (for righteousness, a maryada purushottam who walked the path of truth at all times), Krishna (whose ultimate aim was only to uphold the Dharma against all odds and to evict evil for peace and harmony) and eventually the Kalki. Though people believe this avatar is yet to happen, Gurudev beautifully interprets this as, kalki is who lives in the NOW ! Not in the past where there can be no action, not in the future, but in the ‘Present’ moment! Being able to live in the present at all times, warding of unwanted memories of the past or worrying about the future, helps one live life to the fullest, discarding all impressions.

?Not just that, there is code and conduct of how to live one’s life even in the present moment. The Naalayira Divya Prabandham highlights the importance of controlling the senses, by reigning in one’s senses - 'Naavinai Adakki, Pulaninai Kaaval Vaithu', says an Azhwar pasuram) Only when the senses are in control, can a person go deep within into a state of meditation, discarding unwarranted and unhealthy desires, with a quest to uphold the Ultimate truth.

?What is disheartening to note is that even the saint Tiruvalluvar's quote on truth is often not perceived well... The verses ‘Vaaymai enapaduvadhu yaadhinil, yaadhonrum theemai iladha sol’ shouldn’t be perceived as saying anything just to please others. The verses actually mean an ‘Utterance devoid of ill’ - And here is where the verses from the Upanishads ‘Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat’ comes to rescue. Speak the truth in a pleasant way, do not speak an unpleasant lie.?

The plethora of knowledge that we have in our rich ancient culture is unfathomable. What is important is to imbibe all these knowledge that we read about, hear about and speak about as practices in our day to day lives for a holistic healthy living.?

Gurudev always says,

Science and Spirituality go hand in hand.

Extrapolating the spiritual and scriptural learnings that are in practice to science, would like to look into ways where these practices are easily implementable.?

#Genomics and #Genetics should read deeper into the theory of evolution as per our Vedic origin and see if genetic mutations can instill goodness in people, to thwart stereotypes formed through genetic misnomers.?

For example, an offspring may or may not have all the traits of its biological parent. The culture, practices, the environment, situational interpretations, one's thoughts could have all led to where the world is today.?The practices of our rishis of yore and that of forefathers who practiced the strong value systems have somehow been left. It is up to every individual to revive such practices in their truest sense.

Looking at it from a #Management point of view, a well known practice session to show the importance of right communication is the 'Chinese Whisper'... What is communicated by the first person often is noticed to be distorted by the time the information is transferred to each person. So the #Cognitive process, clearly depends on one's memories, thoughts, impressions etc. Hence, one shouldn't really go by others opinion, unless validated through the actual truth of the intent of communication. So, management clearly begins with one's own Self.

In Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar's words,

'Do not be a football of others opinion'.

Tamil literature says, 'Kannal kanbathum poi.. kaadhaal ketpathum poi.. theera visaripathe mei'. That doesn't mean one should keep probing on what others do or say :) , but the message clearly is go within through #Meditation, try to understand the truth through the lens of the ultimate truth, not through perceived notions.?

While creation includes life of various forms, it is imperative to note that one takes the form of a human after a Eighty four lakh births. Yet, it is puzzling to note traits of his/ her previous life forms still lingering even when in the form of a human. Clearly shows that impressions sometimes get carried beyond lifetimes. Meditation helps one go deep within and removes all the unwanted dirt and impressions from the human mind. The mind which is only a fictum of one’s perception and understanding, needs to be converted to a state of No Mind, where all the field of action is! When in?such?a state of infinite awareness, seerhood happens, where everything is looked at in a state of being a witness, not just to what is happening to others, but also to what is happening to one's own self!

?The divine principles defy all human behavior. Hence lord Krishna in his Bhagavad Gita shows the clear distinction between Daivi Sampath and Aasuri Sampath - not to interpret Sampath as material wealth, but to indicate the wealth of knowledge and good qualities that a life form carries.

?In essence, when every human imbibes and lives by what is considered Daivi Sampath, a complete Human Renaissance would happen.

?Modern science speaks of genetic mutation to a gene's DNA sequence to showcase evolution. While science today has developed so much with creation of clones of other life forms, perhaps genetic scientists could also look at creating genetic sequences that would transform human genes to inject the Daivi Sampath / divine qualities and values as written in our sacred scriptures. As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar states, there are 33 Supreme Gods. If the qualities of each of these Gods can be simulated and injected into the genetic analysis, perhaps there could be a permanent change in the genetic structure of the human population as a whole.

The one thing that doesn't overflow or diminish by any additions or deletions to it is the universal consciousness. What is needed is for the human consciousness to evolve to be in a better world, aligned to Truth, Empathy, Compassion, a deep silence to be able to understand and perceive situations rightly for correct decisioning and implementation. A totally evolved human is who, who can take care of one's own needs and those of everything and everyone around, clearly following ethical values and belief systems as defined in the Vedas.

Our land has a rich wealth of knowledge, starting from the Vedas, Scriptures and also the Arthashastra that clearly defines principles that can be followed for Ethical business practices as stated in the Chanakya Neethi.?

No doubt, modernization has happened and one has to keep pace with that. But one for sure, needs to be wary of their references and check points. Clearly, all references and checks are very much in the wealth of knowledge that the great saints and visionaries of our land have created!

An earnest request that such a renaissance happens! - Something for the Scientists and Gene research labs to look into and implement.

Also, a trending term in the field of design speaks of DT, design thinking - Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test - Would be easier if the last phase on the design thinking process could be replaced with the word 'Implement' and not just test.?

Only when implemented can the scope for improvisations be seen. Bringing in an #Agile implementation approach here, creating MVPs, minimal viable products to see results through short iterations and bringing in a close to perfect product for the final roll out. I believe, the same is applicable for human evolution too?

?Jai Gurudev!? - Victory to the Big Mind?

Disclaimer: Not to be reproduced/ published anywhere else for now. Will be taken up into a book form post implementation!


Prof. Haripriya Rengarajan, CSM的更多文章