Genesis 1:30
And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Genesis 1:30 ESV
According to this verse, a distinction is drawn between the food prescribed for mankind and the food prescribed for animals.? Man should eat plant seeds (rice, wheat, corn) and fruits of trees and vegetables. ( Genesis 1:29 ): Animals must eat grass, trees, vines, and leaves. It is only after the fall of Adam that we see animals eating meat. In Genesis 9:3 God said that let humans could eat meat only after the flood.
Animals generally get most of their sustenance by preying on smaller and weaker animals than themselves. However, the main nutrient of animal life and its entire supply is derived from plants. Archeology has proven that animals have been hunting each other since the earliest geological times.
There are many differences between the many species of living things found on Earth. Their characteristics differ in their structure, growth, habitat, food intake, and their activities.
There are between 10 and 40 million species on earth. Of these, only 1.7 million species have been described. These include 750,000 insects, 250,000 herbivores, and 47,000 vertebrates.
While I am writing this post, there is a group of monkeys in the trees opposite my residential complex and some sheep and cows are looking for their daily needs under it. While watching this, I remembered what God once said to Job.
? “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;? or the bushes of the earth,? and they will teach you, and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10 ESV
This post is the result of thinking about wildlife as I thought about this verse. First of all, please forgive me, I am not a student of zoology.
Each animal has certain qualities that will stun anyone who sees it. Like humans, they have emotions like anger, affection, and resentment. At the same time, faith and love, which are considered high qualities, are possessed by all animals.
All birds belonging to the eagle and hawk species that follow the verse Malachi 2:15, once mated, will live with that mate for the rest of their lives. Ostriches stay with only one mate for life.
Proverbs 31:11-12 verses show the qualities that women should have, consider twenty of these wild beasts that humans hate and avoid. A pack of wild dogs and wolves is headed only by the female race. The trust and loyalty that the beast's crowd has in that leadership is immeasurable. That leadership is willing to sacrifice life, if necessary, to keep their crowed safe.
Likewise, elephants have the egalitarian character found in Genesis 1:26-27, and Galatians 3:28, which says that all human beings, who are created equal in the image of God, are one in Christ Jesus.
The herd of elephants is led by the eldest female elephant. Elephants traveling in search of food and water will follow leaders with loyalty. Any calf in the herd can be nursed by any elephant in the herd. Orphaned elephant cubs are cared for by other elephants alongside their own cubs.
Lead him in the way that a child should walk; Proverbs 22:6 that he will not let go even in his old age can be seen in the lion and the chive.
Male lions male giraffes and male cheetahs are driven away from the pack and mother once they reach puberty. Two or three male lions or leopards thus repulsed form an alliance and appreciate friendship, even if they are brothers and sisters, or sometimes even strangers. This friendship and alliance will never part until death and will give its life for friendship.
As Hebrews 13:5 says, it is common for animals to think that I have enough. It is their nature to kill prey only when they are hungry. Note that a cheetah does not want to kill a grazing deer when its stomach is full.
Similarly agility from ants, hard work from bees, unity from crows, gratitude from dogs, perseverance from spiders, leadership from elephants,
An eagle that kills any creature that takes refuge in its nest and leaves them alive without making them its prey. The lion that hunts and eats no matter how hungry it is, the tiger that kills an animal on the right side to eat without noticing how big the animal is dead on its left side, the Sleeping sparrow that chooses its life partner based on its nest building skills, especially the competition, and jealousy that is extremely common in humans these days but animals do not have. There are no Traitors like Brutus among them.
There are many good qualities that we can learn from the animals created by God. Not only do we learn from them but also let we treat them with kindness without disturbing them. This is what God who created them expects from us. Exodus 23:5; Proverbs 12:10; 27:23