The Generous Hand

In many cultures around the World the idea of being of service and of serving (unconditionally) is a fundamental ethical and philosophical principle.? Symbolically a poor person sharing their last meal with others may have more (profound) meaning than a wealthier person donating a few bucks because of the perceived need to uphold some sort of public image?? That is, you should not give unless it actually hurts you to give something of real value?

We all want to help but sometimes it can go to the other extreme, such as when a very kind soul took her (frail) life after 40+ years of selfless service and charitable donations, because of the constant overwhelm from piles of daily requests from small and other charities asking for just one more donation.? Despite having very little she did her utmost to oblige; until she could no longer cope and…

Sometimes it gets too much for even the kindest of hearts, and in order to maintain your own sanity you may intentionally or unintentionally end-up creating some sort of psychological filter(s)?

With time, a few grey hairs and a lifetime of unconditional giving sometimes you come to the sudden realisation that you cannot possibly help everyone – even though your heart wants to be helpful?? You too will ultimately “break” if you do not start to take a more pragmatic stance?? So if you are a kind heart, professional or entrepreneur that wishes to make a genuine impact here are a few ideas to reflect upon (then devise your own “way” according to your own philosophical and spiritual leanings):

1.????? Focus on the charitable cause(s) that resonates with your soul; do not completely deny other cries for help but place more emphasis on the former.

2.????? Whilst one off donations are important, see if, over time, whether you can gradually develop a small pool of savings and investments (and/or a fund, when you have more assets available); some of the income from which you re-direct to your chosen cause(s).? Overtime add to this “pool” with further savings and investments to help increase the size of the “pot” and of your subsequent charitable giving capacity.

3.????? Quite separately, nurture a smaller “pool” to be used to donate to your secondary or tertiary causes or “out the blue” requests on an ad hoc basis.

4.????? Seek professional advice to ensure that the above are structured in the correct tax framework and compliance manner, so that you and/or your heirs may continue to give more, and more professionally over the long haul?

5.????? If some people within your network and/or connections share the same feelings about your primary causes, ask whether they would like to participate – either in terms of expertise, contacts or via contributions of additional assets/resources?

6.????? Alternatively if there are any existing teeny tiny charities that you are passionate about consider partnering with them instead of establishing a duplicate infrastructure?

7.????? Never forgot: you can never help everyone.? As kids we used to have swimming lessons that included life-saving skills; where you were taught, under only certain critical situations, to kick away a panicking and drowning person, if through their fear they were inadvertently causing you to drown – that is, until they calmed down, you managed to roll them on their back and swim to safety?

Despite the numerous “bleed to read” spreads in tabloid and legacy media, most people around the World are kind and honest, and would like to help in some way – just try, where possible, to be the candle that lights up your particular part of the Universe…peace and love (“Sat nam”):

@NativePride: “One difference between a soldier and a warrior is that a solider fights for those who order him, while a warrior fights for those who depend upon him”.


The EBO Guy

…Acquiring businesses for employees


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