Generics in Rust

Rust is known for its emphasis on performance, safety, and expressiveness. One of the key features that contributes to the language's versatility and code reuse is its powerful support for generics. Generics allow you to write code that can work with multiple types, providing flexibility while maintaining type safety at compile time.

Generics are a powerful feature in Rust that allow code to be written in a way that is flexible and reusable for a wide range of types. Generics enable developers to write functions, structs, and other types that can work with a variety of data types without having to write separate implementations for each one.

In this article, we will explore the concept of generics in Rust, how they work, and how to use them effectively.

What are Generics?

Short answer: Generics are similar to templates in C++.

Long Answer: Generics, also known as parametric polymorphism, enable you to write code that can be reused with different types. By writing generic functions, structs, and traits, you can create abstractions that work seamlessly with a variety of data types, eliminating code duplication and improving code maintainability.

Generics are a way to write code that can work with multiple types. In Rust, generics are implemented using type parameters. A type parameter is a placeholder for a concrete type that will be specified at the time the code is used.

Syntax of Generics:

In Rust, generics are denoted using angle brackets < > and type parameters. A type parameter represents a placeholder for a specific type that will be provided when the code is used. Here's

In Rust, there are two main types of generics: struct generics and function generics.

1.Function Generics:

Function generics allow you to write generic functions that can operate on different types. You can define generic type parameters for a function, similar to struct generics. This allows you to write reusable functions that can work with a wide range of input types.

Syntax for defining a generic function:

fn example<T>(param: T) {
? ? // Code that uses the generic type parameter

The example function above takes a parameter param of type T, where T is a generic type parameter. You can use T like any other type within the function.

2. Struct Generics:

Struct generics allow you to define generic types that can be used with different concrete types. You can parameterize a struct with one or more generic type parameters, which can then be used within the struct definition to represent different types. This enables you to create reusable and flexible data structures.

Syntax for generic struct or generic datatype :

struct Point<T> {
	x: T,
	y: T

fn main() {
	let p1 = Point{x:1,y:2};
	let p2 = Point{x:1.1,y:2.3};
Op =>
Point { x: 1, y: 2 }
Point { x: 1.1, y: 2.3 }

Using Generics:

Generics provide the ability to write code that works with various types without sacrificing type safety. Let's consider a simple example of a generic function that swaps the values of two variables:

Example 1:

In the below example, the swap function takes two mutable references a and b of type T, where T represents any type that supports mutable assignment. The function uses the generic type parameter to swap the values of the variables.

fn swap<T>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {
? ? let temp = *a;
? ? *a = *b;
? ? *b = temp;

--> The above code compilation fails :

Compilation error :

error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*a` which is behind a mutable referenc
? |
8 |? ? ?let temp = *a;
? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ^^
? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? move occurs because `*a` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? help: consider borrowing here: `&*a`

error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*b` which is behind a mutable reference
? |
9 |? ? ?*a = *b;
? |? ? ? ? ? ^^ move occurs because `*b` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

error: aborting due to 2 previous errorse        

In Rust, you cannot use the code you provided with generic types (T) to swap two variables of type T directly, because Rust's borrow checker performs static analysis to ensure memory safety. The above code assumes that the type T is a copyable type, but not all types are copyable in Rust.

The assignment *a = *b; requires moving the value of *b into *a, which would invalidate the borrow of *b and violate Rust's borrowing rules. This is because Rust does not know if T implements the Copy trait, which would allow the assignment to create a bitwise copy of the value.


Add the Clone trait as a trait bound to the type parameter T in the swap function definition. This indicates that the type T must implement the Clone trait, which provides a way to create a copy of the value.

By using the clone method on a and b, we create copies of the values and assign them to temp, *a, and *b, respectively. This avoids the move semantics issue and allows the swapping of values to occur correctly.

#[derive(Debug,Clone)] // Clone must be implemented here
struct point<T> {
// -- Please notice below function -->
fn swap<T: Clone>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {
? ? let temp = a.clone();
? ? *a = b.clone();
? ? *b = temp;
// <-----

fn main() {
	let mut p1 = point{x:1,y:2};
	let mut p2 = point{x:11,y:23};
	swap(&mut p1,&mut p2);
	println!("Point1 {:?}",p1);
	println!("Point2 {:?}",p2);
point { x: 1, y: 2 }
point { x: 11, y: 23 }
Point1 point { x: 11, y: 23 }
Point2 point { x: 1, y: 2 }

Please note that using the Clone trait in this context might not be the most efficient solution, as it involves creating copies of the values. Depending on the specific requirements of your use case, you might consider alternative approaches to avoid unnecessary cloning.


To perform a safe swap operation for generic types, you can use the std::mem::swap function, which handles the necessary checks and optimizations for different types. It ensures that the swap operation is performed correctly, regardless of whether the type T is copyable or not.

Here's an example of how you can use std::mem::swap to swap two variables of type T:

use std::mem;?
#[derive(Debug)] // Please notice Clone is not implemented here
struct point<T> {

fn swap<T>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {?
? ? mem::swap(a, b);?

fn main() {
	let mut p1 = point{x:1,y:2};
	let mut p2 = point{x:11,y:23};
	swap(&mut p1,&mut p2);
point { x: 1, y: 2 }
point { x: 11, y: 23 }
Point1point { x: 11, y: 23 }
Point2point { x: 1, y: 2 }

By using std::mem::swap, you ensure that the swap operation is performed correctly for any type T, regardless of whether it is copyable or not.

Solution2 is recommended:(This is out of context for generics)

Using std::mem::swap is recommended because it provides a safe and efficient way to swap the values of two mutable references.

Here's why using mem::swap is preferred:

  1. Safety: std::mem::swap ensures that the swap operation is performed safely. It takes care of handling the borrowing rules and ownership semantics correctly. It avoids the issue of moving or cloning the values, which can lead to potential issues such as resource leaks or unexpected behavior.
  2. Generality: std::mem::swap is a generic function that works with any type. It doesn't require the type T to implement any additional traits like Clone or Copy. This allows you to swap values of any type, including types that don't support cloning or have expensive cloning operations.
  3. Performance: std::mem::swap performs a low-level swap operation, which is often more efficient than manually copying or cloning the values. It avoids unnecessary memory allocations and overhead associated with cloning or copying large or complex objects.

By using std::mem::swap, you can achieve the desired behavior of swapping two values without worrying about the move semantics or cloning requirements. It is a clean and idiomatic way to handle value swapping in Rust.

Back to generic topic!!

Consider the following generic function that returns the larger of two values:

fn max(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
? ? if a > b {
? ? ? ? a
? ? } else {
? ? ? ? b
? ? }

This function works well for comparing two integers, but what if we want to compare two floating-point numbers, or two strings? We could write separate implementations of the max function for each type, but that would be repetitive and tedious.

Instead, we can use generics to write a single implementation of the max function that works with any comparable type. Here's what the generic version of max looks like:

fn max<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
? ? if a > b {
? ? ? ? a
? ? } else {
? ? ? ? b
? ? }

Let's break down what's happening here. The max function now has a type parameter T, which can be any type that implements the PartialOrd trait. The PartialOrd trait is used to compare values of a type, so it makes sense to require that any type used with max must implement this trait.

This was similar to Copy trait which we used earlier in swap function.

Inside the function, we can use the > operator to compare values of type T, since we know that T implements PartialOrd trait bound. The function returns a value of type T, which will be the larger of the two input values.

Now, we can use the max function to compare values of any type that implements PartialOrd. For example, we can compare floating-point numbers:

fn main() {
? ? let x = 3.14;
? ? let y = 2.71;
? ? let result = max(x, y);
? ? println!("The larger value is {}", result);

//The larger value is 3.14        

We can also compare strings:

fn main() {
? ? let s1 = "hello";
? ? let s2 = "world";
? ? let result = max(s1, s2);
? ? println!("The larger string is {}", result);

// The larger string is world        

In both cases, the same implementation of the max function is used, but the concrete type of the values being compared is different.

It is important to understand the "trait bound" when dealing with generics.

In Rust, the concept of "trait bound" refers to the constraints placed on the generic type parameters in a function, struct, or trait definition. Trait bounds specify that a generic type must implement certain traits or satisfy specific conditions to be used in that context.

Trait bounds are used to express requirements on generic types to ensure that the operations or functionality used within a generic context are supported by the type arguments provided.

We already used the trait bound earlier i.e Clone and PartialOrd as below:

fn max<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {

fn swap<T: Clone>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T)  // --> Here Clone is trait bound 

fn max<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T { // Here PartialOrd is trait bound        

Trait bounds can also be used with multiple traits and conditions:

Below is example of static polymorphism which use trait bounds.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] // Add `PartialEq` trait
struct Point {
? ? x: i32,
? ? y: i32,

fn main() {
? ? let point1 = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
? ? let point2 = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
? ? let other = "Some string";

? ? process(&point1, &other);
? ? process(&point1, &point2);

fn process<T: std::fmt::Debug + Clone + PartialEq, U: PartialEq+std::fmt::Debug>(value: &T, other: &U) {
? ? println!("1st one of type T = {:?}",value);
? ? println!("2nd one of type U = {:?}",other);

1st one of type T = Point { x: 1, y: 2 }
2nd one of type U = "Some string"
1st one of type T = Point { x: 1, y: 2 }
2nd one of type U = Point { x: 1, y: 2 }

In this example, the process function has two generic type parameters, T and U, with different trait bounds. T must implement both std::fmt::Debug,PartialEq. and Clone, while U must implement std::fmt::Debug,PartialEq.

By using trait bounds, you can write generic code that is more flexible and can work with a variety of types, as long as they meet the required constraints. Trait bounds allow you to define generic functions, structs, or traits that operate on a wide range of types while ensuring that the necessary functionality is available for those types.

Static polymorphism in Rust

In Rust, static polymorphism is achieved through the use of generics. Generics allow a function or type to operate on values of different types without knowing in advance what those types will be. This means that the function or type can be parameterized by one or more type parameters, which are placeholders for actual types that will be determined at compile time.

For example, consider the following generic function in Rust:

fn add<T: std::ops::Add<Output = T>>(x: T, y: T) -> T { 
    x + y 

This function takes two arguments of the same type T, which must implement the Add trait, and returns the result of adding them together. The type parameter T is not a concrete type, but a placeholder for any type that implements the Add trait. The Output associated type is used to specify the return type of the function.

When this function is called with concrete types, such as add(1, 2) or add(1.0, 2.0), Rust's type inference mechanism will determine the actual types for T based on the values passed in, and generate specialized code for each concrete type. This allows Rust to perform static dispatch, which is the process of selecting the appropriate implementation of a function at compile time, based on the types of its arguments.

Static polymorphism in Rust is particularly useful for generic programming, where the same code can be used for multiple types. It also allows for more efficient code, as the specialized implementations generated by the compiler can be optimized for the specific types used.

It is important to understand the concept of Monomorphization when discussing generics in Rust.

Monomorphization in Rust is similar in concept to template instantiations in C++. Both monomorphization and template instantiations involve generating specialized code for each concrete type used with generics.

In C++, when you use templates, the compiler generates new code for each instantiation of the template with a different set of template arguments. This process is known as template instantiation. It allows the compiler to create specialized versions of the template code for specific types, which can improve performance and reduce code size by eliminating the need for dynamic dispatch.

Similarly, in Rust, monomorphization achieves a similar goal. When you write generic code in Rust, the compiler analyzes the usage of the generic code and generates specialized code for each concrete type encountered. Each specialized version of the code is as if you had written separate functions or structs for each type.This allows the compiler to optimize the generated code specifically for each type, resulting in efficient and specialized code.

At compile time, the compiler replaces the generic code with the specialized versions for each type that is actually used in the codebase. This eliminates the runtime overhead of generics and allows for efficient code execution.

Monomorphization in Rust ensures that you get the benefits of generic programming without sacrificing performance. It combines the flexibility of writing generic code with the efficiency of specialized implementations for each type, resulting in high-performance code tailored to the specific type requirements.

The main difference between monomorphization in Rust and template instantiations in C++ lies in the language syntax and the specifics of their respective implementations. However, the underlying concept of generating specialized code for different types used with generics is similar in both languages.

How to achieve the specialization for specific types similar to template specialization in C++

In Rust, it is not possible to have specialized implementations for generic types in the same way as C++ templates. Rust's generic type system and trait system do not support explicit specialization.

It's worth noting that while Rust doesn't have direct template specialization like C++, this trait-based approach is powerful and flexible, allowing you to achieve similar results with a different syntax and approach.

Important point regarding the specialization:

Does rust can detect the error in specialized code even if that specialized code is not used , since no instance of that type is created in compile time ? In C++ such error not detected or not reported by C++

In Rust, the compilation process is different from C++. The Rust compiler performs monomorphization, which means it generates specialized code for each concrete type that is used with the generic. If you attempt to use a concrete type for which the generic code does not have a valid implementation, the Rust compiler will throw a compilation error.

So, suppose you have a generic function or struct in Rust that has constraints or behavior specific to certain types, and you attempt to use it with a type that does not satisfy those constraints or has incompatible behavior. In that case, the Rust compiler will catch this error during compilation and report it as a type error. This ensures that you are using the generic code correctly with appropriate types.

In C++, on the other hand, the template code is not fully instantiated until it is used, which means that certain errors related to specific types may not be detected until the template is instantiated with those types. This can lead to compilation errors or unexpected behavior at a later stage, such as during linking or runtime.

Please note that In both Rust and C++, if you have a generic function that is never used and it contains a compiler error, the behavior will be slightly different due to the nature of their compilation and error handling processes.


In Rust, the compiler will still catch the error in the unused generic function even if it is not instantiated. The Rust compiler performs a type check and analysis on all code, including unused code. If there's a syntax or type error in the generic function, the compiler will report it as an error during the compilation process. This ensures that even if the function is unused, your codebase remains free of syntax or type-related errors.


In C++, template code is not fully instantiated until it's used. This means that if you have a template (generic) function with a compiler error and it's never explicitly used in the code, you might not see an error during the compilation process. C++ templates are instantiated only when they are explicitly used with specific types or values.

If the unused template function contains a compiler error, you might not be alerted to the error during the compilation of the program that doesn't instantiate the template function. However, if you later decide to use the template function with specific types or values and trigger its instantiation, the compiler will then detect and report the error.

It's important to note that both Rust and C++ aim to catch errors at compile time, but Rust's approach of analyzing all code, even unused portions, might lead to earlier detection of errors in generic functions that are never used. In contrast, C++'s template instantiation behavior can delay error detection until the template is explicitly used.

If so i.e rust compiler generates specialized code for each concrete type used with generics then doesn't it increase the size of binary and performance impact?

Yes and No.

Rust, the compilation process involves monomorphization, where the compiler generates specialized code for each concrete type used with generics. This process ensures that the generic code is optimized and efficient for each specific type.

While this approach can potentially increase the size of the compiled code, Rust's linker is smart enough to eliminate duplicate code and only include the necessary specialized versions. This results in efficient binary sizes, as only the relevant specialized code is included.

The benefits of monomorphization and specialized code outweigh the potential increase in binary size. It allows Rust to provide the benefits of generic programming while maintaining performance comparable to handwritten specialized code.

Additionally, Rust's ownership and borrowing system help prevent code bloat by enabling precise control over memory management and avoiding unnecessary copies or allocations. This further contributes to efficient code generation and reduces the overall size of the compiled binaries.

while monomorphization may generate multiple specialized versions of the code, Rust's linker and optimization mechanisms ensure that only the necessary code is included, resulting in efficient and optimized binaries.

Please dont confuse the below code with monomorphization , below is example demonstrates operator overloading in Rust using the Add trait.

the Add trait from the std::ops module, which allows overloading the addition operator (+).

use std::ops::Add;
struct MyString(String);

impl Add for MyString {
? ? type Output = MyString;

? ? fn add(self, other: MyString) -> MyString {
? ? ? ? MyString(format!("{}{}", self.0, other.0))
? ? }

fn main() {
? ? let a = 5;
? ? let b = 10;
? ? let c = MyString(String::from("Hello, "));
? ? let d = MyString(String::from("world!"));

? ? let result1 = a + b;
? ? let result2 = c + d;

? ? println!("Result1: {}", result1); // Output: 15
? ? println!("Result2: {}", result2.0); // Output: "Hello, world!"
Result1: 15
Result2: Hello, world! 

Implicit and Explicit instantiation

Rust does not have a concept of implicit and explicit instantiation like C++. In C++, you can explicitly instantiate templates for specific types, while allowing the compiler to implicitly instantiate templates for other types based on their usage.

In Rust, generic functions and types are monomorphized, which means that the compiler generates specialized code for each concrete type used with the generics. This happens automatically during compilation and does not require explicit instantiation.

Rust's approach to generics and monomorphization ensures that the generated code is efficient and type-safe. It eliminates the need for explicit instantiation and provides a consistent behavior across different types.

Partial specialization :

Partial specialization is not available in Rust. Unlike C++, Rust does not provide a mechanism for partially specializing generic types or traits.

In C++, partial specialization allows you to provide specialized implementations for specific subsets of template arguments. This can be useful in certain scenarios where you want to handle specific cases differently.

In Rust, however, the approach to specialization is different. Rust encourages using associated types, trait bounds, and dynamic dispatch to handle different behavior for specific types or subsets of types. This allows for flexibility and extensibility without relying on partial specialization.vide specialized implementations for specific subsets of template arguments. This can be useful in certain scenarios where you want to handle specific cases differently.

In Rust, however, the approach to specialization is different. Rust encourages using associated types, trait bounds, and dynamic dispatch to handle different behavior for specific types or subsets of types. This allows for flexibili

While Rust's approach does not directly support partial specialization as in C++, it provides other powerful features that allow for expressing complex behavior and handling different cases effectively.

Benefits of Generics:

  1. Code Reusability: Generics enable you to write generic functions, structs, and traits that can be used with different types, reducing code duplication and promoting code reuse.
  2. Type Safety: Rust's type system ensures that generic code is type-safe. The compiler performs type checks and enforces type constraints, preventing errors at compile time.
  3. Performance: Generics in Rust utilize monomorphization, which generates specialized code for each concrete type used with generics. This approach eliminates runtime dispatch and enables efficient code execution.

Best Practices for Using Generics:

  1. Use Descriptive Type Parameter Names: Choose meaningful names for generic type parameters that reflect their purpose in the code. This improves code readability and understanding.
  2. Specify Trait Bounds: If your generic code requires certain trait implementations, specify trait bounds using the where clause to ensure that only suitable types can be used.
  3. Avoid Unnecessary Constraints: Avoid overly restrictive trait bounds unless they are essential for the functionality of the code. Keeping the constraints minimal enhances the reusability of the code.
  4. Consider Performance Implications: Be mindful of the performance implications of generics, especially when working with large data structures. In some cases, using trait objects (dyn trait) may be more suitable to avoid unnecessary code bloat.

Generics in Rust empower you to write flexible, reusable, and type-safe code. By leveraging generic functions, structs, and traits, you can create abstractions that work with multiple types, without sacrificing performance. Understanding the syntax, benefits, and best practices for using generics is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable Rust code. Embrace the power of generics in Rust and unlock the potential for code reuse.

Thanks for reading till end , please comment if you have any!


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