The Generic Roles/Functions of a Telecom O&M Engineer

The Generic Roles/Functions of a Telecom O&M Engineer

Having crossed the "10 years experience" milestone working in the telecom industry, with the biggest part of my time in Operations and Maintenance (O&M) department, i can effectively summarize that the main responsibilities of any Telecom O&M Engineer rotate around these six generic core roles and functions.

(i) Alarm and Fault Management

With the help of network monitoring tools (SNMP based tools), the O&M engineer should be able to quickly and effectively identify, handle, resolve or escalate any system faults. System alarms can either be minor (non-service affecting), major (partially service affecting if not dealt with) or critical (service affecting). System log capture and analysis is another way to proactively lookout for network faults. Fault/Alarm handling forms a daily routine of the Telecom O&M Engineer responsibilities.

(ii) Network Performance Management

With the help of specialized data collection and analysis tools (KPI counters), the O&M engineer should be able to effectively measure the performance trend of the telecom network. In this way the O&M engineer is able to quickly pick out issues that lead to service degradation. This helps the O&M engineer in keeping tabs on the network and should be able to generate performance reports that could be; daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.

(iii) Configuration Management

This is a crucial role for any telecom O&M engineer and it ensures smooth operation if handled effectively. Configuration Management involves backup and restore of network element configuration files. Backups can be; daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly depending on the frequency of configuration changes. Configuration management is also a crucial part of disaster recovery management especially if offsite backups are performed. Offsite backups means the configuration files are FTPed off the network elements and saved on remote site servers or cloud servers.

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