Generator fuel consumption
A generator or generator is a device that converts mechanical energy from gas or gasoline and diesel fuel into electrical energy. Of course, the generator is the same as the generator motor, which is referred to as small air-cooled and portable generators in the market.
Application of emergency generator
Green Power generators are offered with different uses, which can be mentioned as follows:
Sale of generators for home use, villas, buildings, hospitals, banks and important security centers, data centers, servers, workshops, emergency applications, small generators, quality, factory and workshop, for rescue, small portable generators. Other applications of generators include the use and supply of electricity to various water pumps, soles, use for generators and small electrical systems such as lighting.
Indeed, the choice of any product in today's market seems very complicated and tedious, so the types of generators and generators are no exception to this rule due to the wide range of quality and price.
The most important factor in deciding on the right fuel is the types of generators or small home and travel generators with three different fuels available in the market:
1. Generator or gas generator
2. Gasoline generator or gasoline generator
3. Diesel generator or diesel generator
Gas generator
Gas-fired generator is low consumption due to the type of fuel and reduces air pollution and has lower costs than the gasoline type. Other features of this device are the safety of this device. This type, due to being gas-burning and eliminating gasoline, has made the product last longer than gasoline.
Gasoline generator
The most common type is gasoline generators. These systems are suitable for operation in places where there is no access to gas. The fuel of these systems is gasoline.
Depending on the type of fuel, this product produces carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which must be used outdoors, otherwise it will cause suffocation.
Generator in terms of system on and off
Generators can be classified in terms of on and off system in several ways:
1- Handle generators
2. Starter generators:
Which have an electric starter motor and battery (of course, there is a combination of starter and handle). The starter type can be easily turned on and off with the start button or switch installed on it, and there is no need to handle and turn the engine to turn on.
3- Automatic generators
Which has an automatic city power switch system and generator (ATS), that is, when the power is turned off, the generator is turned on automatically and the city power is sent back, the command to turn off the generator is sent. The start-up system of the generator or diesel generator for emergency power can be both manual and automatic.
In the manual type, in an unplugged time, an operator turns on the generator and enters it into the electrical circuit. But in the case of automatic by an electrical panel which is called an emergency panel.
Which is sensed by a powerless controller board and issues the start command of the generator, and finally the generator is turned on automatically and enters the power network by the relevant contactor.
Generator components
? Motor: This part of the generator is responsible for supplying the main mechanical energy. The motor is the main part of a generator in which the mechanical energy of the device is converted into electrical energy and the higher the power of the motor, the more electricity it produces.
? Fuel system: is responsible for refueling the engine.
? Alternator: which is responsible for providing electrical energy.
? Power panel: AC, DC power output equipment is also responsible for controlling and protecting the motor and generator.
? Oil: Due to long-term operation of the generator during the day, the components of the device may wear out, which is minimized by having an lubrication system.
? Application of generator
The application of generators in industry is considered as an industrial revolution.
? Other industrial processes are not limited to power transmission using shaft line, belt, compressed air or hydraulic pressure. Instead, each device can be equipped with its own generator, providing easy point-of-use control and improved power transmission efficiency. Generators used in agriculture have eliminated the muscular strength of humans and animals from tasks such as carrying grain or pumping water.
? Home use of generators reduces heavy work at home and provides higher standards of comfort, convenience and safety. Generators now account for more than half of all electricity consumption in the United States.
Generators work on three different physical principles: magnetic, electrostatic, and piezoelectric, and the most common of these motors is the magnetic motor.
? In magnetic motors, a magnetic field is formed in both the rotor and the stator. The product between these two fields causes force, and therefore torque in the motor shaft. One or both of these fields must change as the engine rotates. This is done by changing the poles at the right time or turning off or changing the power of the pole.
How to use a generator
? Measuring the amount of reactive power consumption and in case of high reactive power, the possibility of installing a suitable capacitor next to the generator will improve the performance of the generator. Also, using soft starters for electromotor applications and preventing their initial start shock will improve its performance.
? The best case is to use the generator of the nominal court, and using the generator at maximum power for long periods of time may damage the generator.
? Timely maintenance and periodic inspections to maintain engine and equipment efficiency.
? Investigate the possibility of using variable speed motors, especially for impellers and pumps.
? Select high-efficiency generator for long-term operation and in proportion to the required mechanical torque.
? The location of the generators should be such that the heat generated by the motors is easily ventilated.
? Minimize friction of mechanical systems connected to generators.
? Investigate the possibility of using high-consumption motors in non-peak hours of network power consumption.
? But if the generator burns out, it is recommended not to repair the defective motor and replace it with a new motor for the following reasons:
? Use the flame to remove the coil in the repair process and thus weaken the core.
? The possibility of damage to the insulation of the core plate teeth.
? Growing coils larger for ease of casting and thus increasing casualties.
? Problems adjusting the position of the end of the coil.
? Increased likelihood of re-burning.
? Reduce engine efficiency
Each of the generator devices can produce different amounts of electrical energy, and this depends entirely on the type and power of the gasoline generator, but in addition, it is good to think about the amount of power generation of each device as needed.
But as mentioned, the fuel needed for a gasoline generator to generate electricity is supplied by burning gasoline to produce electrical energy by using mechanical energy. But what is the fuel consumption of a gasoline generator?
Calculation of fuel consumption of gasoline generator
As you probably know, calculating the fuel consumption of a gasoline engine is very important, knowing how much energy a tank of your device can produce to turn on other devices is very important.
On the other hand, it is very important to know that when using a gasoline generator, you have to fill the empty tank several times. You certainly do not want to experience blackouts while using the devices!
For example, if you need to use the energy of a gasoline engine for three hours, you definitely do not want to use this device without knowing the fuel consumption of the gasoline engine, because lack of awareness about it causes that you cannot get the fuel needed for the appliance, so your generator may run out of fuel and other electrical appliances may fail.
To calculate the fuel consumption of a gasoline generator, you can use the information entered on the device. What is important in calculating the fuel consumption of this device is the amount of generator load. The higher the load, the more fuel the device needs. For example, if you use a 10% load, your generator will need less fuel until you get a 50% load!
But what is the load? For example, if you use 25% of the load, it means that the output current is a quarter of the maximum current engraved on the license plate of the generator. On the other hand, the longer your device lasts and the more friction it has, the higher the fuel consumption of your gasoline engine.
You should know that the fuel consumption of each generator is different from the others, especially Chinese brand generators have higher fuel consumption. Therefore, we suggest that you read the catalog of the mentioned generator for accurate calculation.
Calculation of diesel generator fuel
Advantages of diesel engines
No need for ignition system, ignition in diesel engines is done by hot diesel spraying interface on compressed air mass. Therefore, they do not need alternator, coil, Delco, wire and spark plug.
Since the fuel used in diesel engines is gas oil, its most important characteristic is 860 kg / m 15.6 equal to 3 ° C. Its density is at the temperature of the province, which must be more than 50 for the engine to run smoothly and quietly, injecting a small amount of fuel is enough to ignite.
For this reason, diesel engines are called low consumption. Fuel consumption of diesel engines is 30% lower than gasoline engines with the same volume and number of cylinders. It should be noted that various factors can lead to an increase or decrease in the amount of fuel consumed.
The fuel consumption of gasoline generators is a concern of many buyers of this type of generator. Many may believe that the fuel consumption of these devices is high and will not be economically viable.
What gasoline generator should we buy that consumes less fuel? Or what should we do if the gasoline generator consumes less fuel?
First of all, never buy a 2-stroke gasoline generator because it has high depreciation and the gasoline consumption of these devices is high.
Tips to consider when buying a suitable gasoline generator with low fuel consumption:
In the first place, pay attention to the standard and quality of the device.
The second step is the power of the gasoline generator, the generator you buy must have real power.
If you bought a gasoline engine and it is supposed to generate 3 kW (KW) of electricity but you need 3.5kw; In this case, if the generator is of high quality, it should still produce electricity with all its power to meet your electricity consumption, but it should be noted that if the gasoline generator is not of good quality, it will wear out in a few hours or days. It works.
Measures to be taken to reduce the fuel consumption of gasoline generators:
? The use of quality gasoline is one of the factors that can reduce fuel consumption. Because poor quality gasoline has little quality and its unintentional use sacrifices quantity for quality.
But if quality gasoline is not available, use a gasoline supplement every once in a while.
? Regular service of gasoline generator and its maintenance in suitable conditions.
Ignition systems such as gasoline spark plugs should always be kept clean and healthy.
? Another problem that increases the fuel consumption of gasoline generators is the inadequate quality of the generator air filter. In fact, if the air filter of the gasoline engine is not clean or worn out, the process of fresh air entering the generator is disrupted.
Needless to say, adequate airflow is one of the most important factors involved in the proper combustion of fuel-efficient gasoline engines. Therefore, not optimizing the quality of the air filter causes incomplete combustion in the generator and puts extra pressure on the generator. In addition to producing more pollution, this will also lead to higher fuel consumption.
The difference between generators and other types of generators is as follows:
The mode of refueling, heat, sound, service and repair, operating hours, efficiency and volume of different types of engines will be different.
Fuel for diesel and gasoline generators, as their name implies, is diesel and gasoline. A diesel generator consumes less fuel than a gasoline generator.
Generator sound
The noise of a diesel generator is louder than that of a gasoline model. If you consider a 7 kW gasoline generator, it has about 76 Db of sound, but a diesel generator produces about 98 Db of sound.
Tips for using and maintaining a generator
Gasoline generators have a relatively high friction, because they use both gasoline and have a very high speed and require major repairs every 1800 to 6000 hours.
Gasoline generator volume
The diesel generator is about 20% larger and heavier than its gasoline counterpart.
Gasoline engine is suitable for home use for the reasons mentioned and less pollution. Diesel generators have more industrial aspects and are suitable for industrial devices.
Types of gasoline generators available in the Iranian market
Gasoline generators available in Iran are divided into 2 categories: domestic and industrial and in the power range of 1 to 10 kW. A gasoline generator works for 3 to 5 hours and the industrial model can work for up to 10 hours without damaging the motor or its lifespan is reduced due to high heat.
Capacities of 1 to 3 kW are mostly for agricultural use in gardens and villas, such as water pumps, lighting and air conditioners, and good brands such as Green Power and Honda fans are manufacturers of gasoline generators.
Starting the generators
Gasoline generators are often switched on in three ways: manual, starter or battery and automatic.