Generative AI is a nonjudgemental collaborator
Nonjudgemental Collaborative Generative AI, Stable Diffusion (Duc Haba forked version)

Generative AI is a nonjudgemental collaborator

The following is a teaser sequence: it is a marked up of a real conversation:

P: What do you think about the images for the Teddy bear campaign?

P: It took me three weeks to do it.?

Q: It’s great.

R: I like it.

S: Our client will love it.

Me: (thinking in my head: this is not a direction we agreed to, or did we decide on an approach? The other concept is what the clients said they wanted. I should speak up, and Q and R would agree, but P would be defensive, and we had wasted three weeks.)

Me: Ahh, it’s OK. I hope the client will like it.?

The group could avoid the above scenario if P worked with a Generative AI and previewed his work/images the day after the meeting instead of unveiling it after three weeks. A significant difference exists between “P works with” and “replaces P with.

p.s. The colleague's name and campaign topic are altered. The event was from my previous company.


Welcome new friends and fellow readers to a recent article in the Demystified AI series. It explores a new phenomenon in working with Generative AI as a collaborator rather than a replacement.

Fun fact: The cover image for the article is generated by the Stable Diffusion Generative AI (Duc Haba forked version) from feeding the title of this article and additional meta-words.

As part of a company, large or small, no one work in a silo. We depend on our colleagues to collaborate on a project; sometimes, it is easier to critique and ask for a rework if you are a manager governed by the dinosaur style.?

We know dinosaur managers belittled or overly abusive because of their insecurity and fear, much like a bully in High school, as psychologists said (Figure 1.1). I have my share of working with dinosaur clients, and you know what happens to dinosaurs. But this article is not about them.

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Figure 1.1: Dinosaur Manager, Generative AI, Stable Diffusion (Duc Haba forked version)

The article discusses using Generative AI as a collaborative tool in a nonjudgemental, positive, and healthy work environment. In particular, I will cover the following:

  • Collaborators and introverts
  • Net saving time
  • Conclusion

Let’s start with the dynamic relationship between introverted and collaborative.?

Collaborators and introverts

I will use a fictitious name, Peter or Paulie, instead of “P” for easy writing and reading.

From the opening sequence, we lost time because Peter took three weeks to deliver the concept art before presenting it to the client. The three weeks’ lagtime in itself is not a problem. The issue is that the team does not have a chance to give input before the presentation. The implied solution is that Peter uses Generative AI to generate concepts arts, not the final graphics. Thus, the team can provide feedback before Peter renders the final concept art, and the client presentation will be spot on.?

It also implies that Peter will have more personal time and not squander every hour of the day trying to meet the deadline in three weeks and may have to start anew.?

Using Stable Diffusion (open-source Generative AI), Peter could explore the new Teddy Bear concept to be introduced at the Nuremberg International Toy Fair. Figure 1.2 has a few of the results. It ranges from a Teddy bear in a ... jumpsuit, New York City skating, loveable pink color, teen rebellion phase, vending machine, basketball player, cute and cuddling, urban adventure, family picnic, doctor outfit, realistic park setting, etc.

Can you tell which teddy bear theme the client wants?
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Figure 1.2: Teddy bears, Generative AI, Stable Diffusion (Duc Haba forked version)

When we add Generative AI as the sixth team member, all five humans can collaborate by saying, “...this is what I think the customer wants.” But, because there is always a “but” when human relationships are involved, many of us are introverts. It is not a clinical definition of introvert, but we feel reticent because we may not be the artists [or subject domain experts], or it will take too long to explain what we want to say.?

Furthermore, working in a positive, open, and safe space, like my current company, can be a double edge sword. Sometimes, I don’t want to rock the boat and say overly critical or dismissive like [in more sociable words and tone], “ are all wrong; this is how it should be.

If we have a sixth member, I can ask him/her to draw images of what I think the client wants and not fear that he/she would laugh at me or, worst, judge.

Thus, following the initial, exploratory meeting with the client, on the next day, I can say, “Hey, I think the clients want this for the Nuremberg International Toy Fair (Figure 1.3).”

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Figure 1.3: Cute robot teddy bear, Generative AI (Duc Haba forked version)

I could be wrong, and often am, but like a broken clock, I am right twice a day. :-)

The salient point is that the sixth member (Generative AI) does not laugh at my crazy idea. He/she is my nonjudgemental collaborator.?

Even an introvert feels comfortable working with the sixth member.

All that touchy feelings are OK, but managers are thinking: is this save time?

Net saving time

Can you choose between “time-saving” or “quality”?

Clearly, within the three weeks time-frame, using Generative AI will increase the pitch deck quality. The concepts are sharper by having input from all five human members. In addition, the final idea has a higher number of iterations.?

Let’s cut to the chase. There is no quantitative time-saving percentage, e.g., 20% or 60%. The technology is too young for a university or for-profit organization to survey and research how much Generative AI will save time. Shortening the three weeks for deliverables is one of many dimensions for time-saving.

One thing is for certain. Generative AI will save Peter time. Peter or Paulie take, on average, two to five working days to draw the images only after the concepts are clearly understood.?

The objective of the sixth team member is for collaboration rather than replacement. To that point, Peter and Paulie will spend less total time and achieve better results using the images created by the AI as starting points. Would Peter or Paulie choose to shorten the three-week schedule or use the extra free time to spend with family or personal me-time?

Both options are equally valid, even though the manager might have a different opinion.?

If a manager wants proof of reducing deliverable time, then I can’t guarantee that, but from the Executives’ point of view, here is a fresh angle:

Without using Generative AI, the team is held back, not working at the top efficiency, the client is unhappy, the company didn’t win the project, the revenue is low, and we are caught in a downsizing cycle.
It does not happen in a straight line, but gravity will overtake the inertial, and following the path, you will lose your jobs in the end.?

We will not end on a grim note before the conclusion. Here is a Generative?AI interpretation of “me time” in Figure 1.4 [plus many other keywords and phrases to generate these images].

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Figure 1.4: Me time, Generative AI (Duc Haba forked version)


Generative AI is an exemplary collaborator who will not complain or laugh at you. The dynamic can only happen between humans and machines. As a developer, I exhibit many introvert qualities, and asking the computer to repeat it over and over again is what I do. The beauty is that you don’t need to be a programmer or an artist. You can talk to Peter (Generative AI) in a usual conversational way, and he is a good listener.?

For example, Figure 1.4 takes over 100 generated images for me to choose ten to display. Imagine asking Peter to create 100 images past 11 PM on a weekday and keep changing your mind on what you want. After a few late hours, you told Peter to give you another 100 images while you went to bed.?

Anecdotally, Generative AI will save time, but certainly, it is beneficial and fun to have Generative AI as the sixth member of your team.

I am looking forward to reading your feedback. As always, I apologize for any unintentional errors. The intentional errors are mine and mine alone. :-)??

Have a great day, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Please give the article a “thumbs up, like, or heart.

#AI, #DataAugmentation, #ML , #Coding, #Python, #DucHaba

<end of article>

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Figure 1.5: Data Augmentation with Python book by Duc Haba

Before letting you go, I recently wrote a book, Data Augmentation with Python. Please consider pre-order the book on Amazon. It will make me happy as a clam. :-)


For your reading enjoyment, the following is a list of the five latest articles in the Demystify AI series.

  1. Generative AI Is a Collaborator, Not a Replacement on LinkedIn (February 2023)
  2. Skin Cancer Diagnose Using Deep Learning on LinkedIn (August 2022)
  3. 120 Dog Breeds on Hugging Face?on LinkedIn, on?Medium?(June 2022)
  4. The Healthcare Garden Architecture on?LinkedIn (May 2022)
  5. "AI Start Here (A1SH)"?on LinkedIn, and on?GitHub?(July 2021)


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