Generative AI for Intent-Driven Commerce

Generative AI for Intent-Driven Commerce

As we move into the era of Generative AI & ChatGPT, its good to explore the possibilities of it for driving hyper personalised & intent driven commerce. Take an example of a scenario where you would want to redo your back lawn but having not known how to do it, you use the ChatGPT to ask the same and it gives you a list of things to use along with what to do with it. Now imagine this to be interpreted by a digital commerce solution that shows the products that you may have to buy or hire to renovate your lawn based

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on the ChatGPT response. The products and the options can always be explored further based on various other parameters, but rather than you been thrown in a sea of products across multiple searches, this does reduces the time of your shopping and of course being backed by a confirmed intent i.e. to renovate a lawn you end up buying only the things you really need.

Now lets take a different example and a more complex one.

You intend to go for a holiday with your family next summer, you may or may not decide even a destination but let’s say you decide upon visiting Rome, but rather than doing every other booking through multiple searches.

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You could get a response from ChatGPT asking what could be a 4 day holiday with family can be in Rome and based on the response you get options for hotels, attractions tickets, rides, restaurant and much more. A complete trip buying experience making bundles and offers to be more contextual.

In both the above examples the user's intent is analysed to make a more purposeful shopping experience powered by hyper personalised content. Hope we see this to be available much faster than we could imagine.


