Are Generative AI Companies Slowing AI Progress?
Gosh, it's always money, isn't it? Money makes the world go round—it can also make it stop.
Anyways guys haha, an interesting thought occurred to me today while using a generative AI company (I won't name it to avoid bias).
I've been using XYZ for many things since its inception—a lot! Not just for work, but for all kinds of problem-solving. One of my main uses is to code more efficiently (write software faster and better).
But recently, there have been some poor updates, and I've noticed a dramatic decline in the quality of results.
And it made me think...
The Startup from Generative AI
I'm purely speaking hypothetical and you also need to remember hosting an AI and getting training data itself is not free and can cost more than you can imagine (it's part of the reason the below hasn't happened yet, but it could)
Imagine starting a company based on software generated by AI. The whole source code created by AI.
But then you take it a step further and build your own AI—after all, it's just code, right? (Fair warning, you're going to need to learn a lot about algorithms, not just code haha).
Now, instead of paying a generative AI company, you have your own AI. You can stop paying them, host it yourself, and do whatever you like.
They've just lost you as a customer forever, and you have the ability to keep making new things.
Rapid App Development & Market Takeover
Imagine now with your Generative AI, that it can build apps for you (it can, you had a GAI build you a GAI).
You get enough juice and get it to replicate the entire Adobe Suite, maybe the entire Microsoft Suite? Or even the entire google suite?
Were Did the Revenue go?
The above would result in either;
What Happens Next?
Probably a brawl (haha), but more than likely legal battles; but where will that end?
Think about the music industry from the 2000s when torrenting became big. After a while it just became pointless to sue each individual.
The Bias loop
With the above said, I think generative AI companies and all software companies have an inherent need to slow the progress of AI.
Why would they allow the above in any way to happen? When the apex or peak or curve arrives where the above is the peak, it's only downhill from there.
Imagine a company selling $5 hot dogs for $4.98, over time that just ends, a company must make money or it ceases to exist.
I ask then, will software companies and GAI companies slow down the progress or on purpose reduce the quality of the generative content?
"It was all fine when people where just generating essays", they'll be saying haha.