Generative AI Changes the Nature of Work

Generative AI Changes the Nature of Work

As I mentioned on this LinkedIn Live with Hessie Jones earlier today, generative AI will change the nature of work, for humans.

For example, an artist will no longer need to spend hours or days to CREATE a painting, because the AI can generate it in 30 seconds. The artist can use the tool and spend more time on the ideation and creativity part of the task, rather than the production part.

Generative AI will also change other industries. In the example below, hundreds of photorealistic images of "a supermodel walking down a street in a rustic Italian seaside village" were generated in minutes. Instead of all of the expenses of actually flying a supermodel and a photographer and crew to a rustic Italian village to do the photo shoot, AI can generate hundreds of photos to choose from. Of course there are nuances and exceptions. But the tools have been democratized so that the masses who don't have the money or the specialized skills can also explore their creativity.

"This is the Cambrian explosion of creativity, enabled by generative AI tools."
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By combining a single photo from the possibilities above and a speech synthesizing AI, you can make the following, in a matter of minutes (and I don't even speak Italian).

Images: Midjourney 5.1


Dialog (text):


Let me know your experiences with generative AI !

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Hessie Jones

Strategist ? Privacy Technologist ? Investor ? Tech Journalist ? Advocating for Data Rights & Human-Centred #AI ? 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics ? PIISA ? Altitude ? MyData Canada ? Women in VC

1 年


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