Generational Perspectives in the United Kingdom
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Generational Perspectives in the United Kingdom

During my travels to the UK, I took it upon myself to ask questions of those who would talk with me so I could learn about the mindsets of the generations in the UK. Understanding these perspectives is crucial to navigating the challenges and opportunities that can arise in our workforce and society. Allow me to share a few of these eye-opening revelations.

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Z-Generation Conversation

Speaking with a Z-Gen representing herself and her friends, she shared they are finding themselves in the same situation as the American millennials during and after the great recession of 2008 to 2012. They worked hard to get their college educations but found it difficult to secure jobs in their specialties. She mentioned that because of COVID-19, new graduates have to wait their turn while past graduates are finally getting opportunities in their fields of expertise. As a result, many UK Z-Gen are back home with their parents, working odd jobs, and waiting for the job market to catch up. In some cases, they return to University in hopes of a better job market later, piling on debt and prolonging their journey to independence.

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Millennial Observations

Speaking with a millennial teacher, he shared his observations on what he sees with longevity in the UK school system. He has been a teacher for six-plus years and witnessed a high turnover in young teachers. He estimates at least 1/3 of his UK colleagues quit teaching between their first and second year. Another 1/3 quit before they made it five years. This definitely will be a challenge as more and more teachers retire. In further conversation, he openly shared that it took him a long time and many jobs before he realized he was passionate about teaching. In fact, when he counted, he had worked approximately 12 jobs. This resembles a U.S. millennial statistic, which states,

"Millenials will work an average of 14 jobs between the ages of 23 and 34."
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Work and Family Perspectives of Z-Gen

Another intriguing conversation was with a Z-Gen individual who, like many of her peers, expressed a reluctance to start families due to the current state of the world. This sentiment mirrors a recent US study that found 66% of individuals under 40 do not want children. While this may seem like a personal choice, it raises profound questions about the future of businesses and society at large.

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Baby Boomer & X-Gen Point of View

When I spoke with Baby Boomers and X-Gen, they shared how the younger generations still respect their elders. This is a slightly different overall feel than their American counterparts have previously communicated. However, they are equally concerned about the younger generation's ability to achieve home ownership and independence.

What are your thoughts on this organically cultivated information? What do you think will be some of the challenges the US and UK will face? #unitedkingdom #travel #generations #genz #boomer #millenials #GenX #kids #listening #workplace #respect #bosses #employees #college #school #livingathome

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