Generation Z has joined the work force. Having recruited close to twenty (20) recruits for different tele marketing positions, these are my review of their work and experiences. Hoping this helps someone who is in recruitment.
- Rural versus urban divide : There is a difference values between the urban and rural gen Zs recruited. Rural Gen Zs valued the remote working opportunity. While, the urban kids had more social events and activities happening at the city centre that is good with distraction.
- Money - FOMO culture: The money is invested in devices, new technology. Expect your intern to finish 10 GB of data in 10 days.
- The hunting mindset is higher due to opportunities: GEN Z is constantly looking for new opportunities. With the availability of remote work, online work and the freedom to drive - the ability of this new generation mindset is pretty much at its more money now, and hustler mindset.
- Give freedom they love it!: The new generation wants to be its own boss. Give them that! they will try their best to make the project a success.
- Work from home is their core area! This new generation is born to technology. They are versatile in their gadget usage. Remote working is their core area.
- Expect resignation in a few hours than the ability to embrace the pain. Resignation in a few hours is common with this new generation. They are having ample opportunity. When it comes to Sri Lanka, they know that they can find jobs abroad too! So dear HR professional, we are in for a bumpy ride for the next 10 years.
- Bond is with the purpose of your organisation. If it is right, then yes. The role of your vision and mission becomes very important. You can get your employee aligned to the social purpose if it is right by them! But to be honest, the aspect of money has higher weightage, specially for a sales team.
- But still in the making, and cannot be generalised. Some of the generation Z are still in their in university, police, armed forces. These insights are based on some recruitments done for a sales and marketing position, which has a money drive.
This study is limited by the sample size and the duration of study limited to 42 rounds of interviews and screening 853 applications of Gen Z.
Gen Z heavy recruitment platforms:
Xpress jobs, Rooster Jobs, Linkedin jobs, Facebook groups, Whatsapp groups and other social media platforms