Generation X is the worst when it comes to work, money, meaning of life, environmental & climate protection as well as nutrition

Generation X is the worst when it comes to work, money, meaning of life, environmental & climate protection as well as nutrition

When I hear Generation ?, I think of complaining about the job, too many debts, bad nutrition, no desire for sports and a lack of understanding for refugees or environmental protection. Do you feel the same way? ??

Work == Slavery? ?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve only heard bad things about work. Especially the generation of my parents, the so called Generation X (born between 1961–1981), comes home stressed from work and is angry about the bad boss, the annoying colleagues and the meaningless job ??

In addition, they think that young people

?? have no more desire to work

?? do not want to take any responsibilities

?? can’t think for themselves

?? are unable to work in a team

If you look at statistics and studies, they show exactly the opposite…

?The question is: What should the next generations think about work if the parents always complain about it and you constantly see people in bad mood with a burn-out? ??

“Is it really necessary to work like a slave to live like a millionaire?”

Money is the main thing ??

…and the meaning of life = 0??. I have learned at school that you have to make a very good degree, have excellent grades, write a lot of applications and then earn a lot of money. But for what ??

?? to finance an overpriced house,

?? drive much too big car,

?? go on holiday several times a year

?? and have overpriced coffee?

Sometimes I think the typical mindset “the capitalists are to blame for everything” is not so absurd, if you keep all these facts in mind.

In the end, we are a part of the system and can influence it. Constantly blaming other people that we have to make money to survive is an excuse! Everyone is his own good luck blacksmith ?? and must decide for oneself what profession he or she pursues and for what any money is used.

We should not be seduced by money. Money is always only a means to an end and never the most important thing in life! ?? There are enough studies which show that more money never brings more luck. Focus on the really important things in life, like hobbies, your family and your personal ambitions! ??????

Climate change does not exist ??

But honestly: Do you really believe that climate change does not exist? I think we should not call it climate change, we should call it climate destruction ????

Apparently, the young generation has understood that nothing is self-evident when it comes to health and the well-being of our environment. You can make yourself and the lives of others a little better every day, for example, by

?? simply don’t eating meat today (But what can a vegan eat at all ???♀?)

?????♀?walking to work instead of taking the car

?? buying fruits loose instead of wrapping it in plastic

?? using second-hand furniture or books instead of buying new ones

?? donating old clothes instead of throwing them away

?? …and many more small things!

Please do not deny the evil of our world. We must all work together to leave a beautiful world to future generations. Support friends, family, relatives and colleagues with your knowledge and be a good role model, so that the world becomes a bit better today (but please don’t be a moralizer ??)

Keep it simple, work together ??

?? I have to admit that this article was a little bit spicy. But we are looking for a constructive discussion and your impressions of the current situation in the world. Please leave a comment below!

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