Timothy C. Moynahan
I am a trial lawyer who represents clients in Civil and Criminal Litigation. I am an entrepreneur/deal maker
Rosa DeLaura, Jamie Raskin and Hilary Clinton, among the notable hypocrites in panic mode because they "know" Elon Musk, the unelected billionaire is running the country. "The sky is falling.”?
Ha ha ha. It is pathetic and offensive that they continue to underestimate Trump even as the January 6th fraudulent report unravels with the testimony of objective whistleblowers. I’ll make a deal with the scurrilous unholy trio; if they tell us who has been running the country since 2020, I'll confirm that Trump is in charge now. Despite their brazen prevarications and inability to confess and repent they have the gall to shift the burden of proof onto Trump, green with envy that he being assisted by galaxy of stars drawn to his inner circle as volunteers because his fitness for office is unprecedented.?
Even if they opted now to reveal the identity of the Eminence Grise's behind the tottering Biden’s unstable throne who would believe them, these hollow people who flung away their credibility as if they were playing Frisbie in the yard with the family dog. We knew they were lying even as they lied. We can never trust them again much less give credence to their ripostes, criticisms, or defamations akin to the one by the execrable Clinton hit man George Stephanopoulos. He was the one chosen by Ma and Pa Clinton to annihilate by personal destruction the female victims of Clinton’s predations. Ask the unsavory trio to explain that. George went on to his multi- million-dollar network reward where “ I cannot hear what he says because his vileness shouts too loudly.”?
As I said the accusations by the accused warm the cockles of my heart on this cold but bright (made brighter by their thrashing tomfoolery)? New England day. They have no shame, they are incapable of blushing, and they are ours to do with as we please. Scorning of this ghastly crew is only the beginning. Irrelevance is their albatross; penance is their fate. Hot diggity dog, there’s a rainbow around my shoulders. Pardon my burst of rational exuberance.?
Yet the silence of the media akin to the "silence of the lambs" regarding its pre-eminent role not only in not reporting on Biden's vacancy of mind and corpse like appearance for four years, but in continuing to ignore the observable facts thus rewriting history as if they are winners is particularly galling. Trump's victory should have shaken a fragment of honesty from them. Alas, even though shadows of their former selves they circumvent confession of the harm they did by propping up a pretend President.?
The Splendid Deception written in 1985 chronicles Franklin Roosevelt's massive disability and the intense efforts to conceal it from the public.
The national press of the day went along with the deception, and only two photographs are known to exist that show Roosevelt in his wheelchair. Ironically, newspaper writers often described Roosevelt's vitality and strength. Many factors distinguish the deception of Roosevelt, his staff, family and press from The Atrocious Deception which describes the duping of the American public as to the extent of Biden's mental incapacitation and the years when journalistic integrity died.?
Those of us who refused to be duped remarked incessantly upon the observable signs:? his slurred or incomprehensible speech, unsteady gait, inappropriate combativeness. and emotional volatility. In plain sight it was often evident that he did not know where he was, how he got there, what was happening, or who he was with. From those who called us names, some too nasty to mention, (which we received with wry good humor) demeaned our integrity, or attributed to us unsavory motives, no apologize is necessary. We took your criticisms in stride but were astonished that otherwise good and decent people could be so willfully suckered. Some continue to be. We only ask that you muster the disciplined courage to admit the truth, correct the historical record now, so that you are cushioned against the sordid revelations to come. Together, let us demand to know who our President was since 2020.
?#viper #generation #usa #unitedstates