Generation T (Transparent)
When you are very close to something, it is common not to see it. That's what has happened to me with this generation T, my generation. And today, which is International Women's Day, I would like to give them this designation, because what does not have a name does not exist.
When I have so many times analyzed the situation of older and younger generations, with their own problems, and not minor ones, I have just ignored those that I know best. Why? Precisely because we are a transparent generation.
From a young age we learned that it was better to go unnoticed so we would not to receive lewd looks, offensive comments or attract envy. We also learned how to lose, because it is difficult to win when you don't feel confident. We learned how to be respectful, perhaps too much, with the established order. We learned not to impose our opinions, not to make trouble, not to clash.
But these “good girls” carried out, without realizing it, and with firm steps, a silent revolution, a revolution that they have heavily paid many times, but which they did not want to renounce. Their mothers and grandmothers had no choice, but this generation T was able to go to university and work. We were able to be independent, with all that that means.
We opened a path that has not yet been resolved, that of conciliation. The impossible balance of developing a professional career and having a family. With the abilities with which Nature has endowed women to adapt and raise our offspring, we have juggled to try to achieve it. But it hasn't been easy at all:
All these experiences have made us very strong, perhaps too strong. Or at least that's how we want to think about it because we don't have the option of not being strong. Plus, we've been so busy that we've barely thought about ourselves.
I would love to think that this entire process that we had begun has evolved and the following generations of women would now have an easier and fairer life. But unfortunately, I know that is not the case. It is true that both their life partners and their work environments have learned and understood that things can be done better, but there is still much to change. Later generations of women do not face a more comfortable situation, far from it, but at least they have removed the cloak of invisibility, have gained self-confidence, and have begun to treat themselves better.
If you are a woman and you have felt a little identified when reading this, I send you a hug and a lot of strength to continue. If you are a man and you have read it, I thank you because it means you show understanding. And, whether you are a man or a woman, I would ask you to respect women's work, just as you would respect a man's work. Please, do not contribute to making them transparent.