A Generation of Murderers and Heroes
“Dedication: The Journey doesn’t stop just because..”
Every week regardless of whether we have a lot of attendees or a little the mission to empower Gen Z with the knowledge and resource to amplify their voice in today’s modern world doesn’t stop. Regardless if we get rejected for support from the older Myanmar Generations, skepticism or resistance from collaboration with other protest group. Why? Because this is a fight for freedom and resistance and winning for the future for Gen Z isn’t going to be easy. It never was from the beginning.
So what has driven us to be resilient to the negative mindset and lack of unity among the Myanmar American Communities? The answer lies in the heart and passions of those who see the bigger picture and understand the values we are providing with every session we have with the “Gen Z Saves Myanmar Campaign”.
Tonight we taught them the techniques of multi-camera live stream format broadcast. An exclusive resource typically designated for elites and wealthy professionals who can afford it. But with dedication shown by our Gen Z participants we are able to match their drive fueled by the encouraging words of our viewers and donors. From this “hope prevailed.”
Hope, that we are the change we want to see in the Myanmar American Community.
Hope, that we are doing something that’s never been done before.
Hope, that the more we show, the more people can realize that change is in their hands too.
Hope, that our work will speak for itself and the proof of concept be evident in every milestone we overcome to achieve that one step forward towards a brighter future for the next generation.
They’re not fueled by pride, recognition, fame, or praise but by results and the impacts they make for those in need. Doing their due diligence and innovating new ways to support the movement we’ve learned about another campaign tonight that directly supported the frontline protestors and a network of support system for those directly affected by the violence.
This is what giving a voice is all about. Helping the little guys stand out. Showcasing their work through evidence and visual proofs, despite risking their lives in sharing their story. Join us for more as we strive to teach, share, grow and make a difference for all of Myanmar.
Behind the Scenes Video:
Live Stream Broadcast Segment April 7th 2021
Topic: Learn About the Padauk Campaign
Link: https://fb.watch/4L2OqSaABu/