Generating Those All-Important Leads
Impressions are everything when you see a post being shared on the web, whether that’s on Twitter, Google, or even as a show note in a podcast; it can give a site an opportunity to collect your information so they can contact you about themselves at a later date.
This is what Lead Generation is. It not only helps the visitor to the site but also to the business in tailoring their needs.
Usually, when someone comes to your site, they arrive at your homepage. But in Callnow’s case, the product is the ‘callback’ feature, so even if you land on the ‘pricing’ section of our site, our USP is still there and still visible at the bottom of the browser. It can then generate some discussion between us and the visitor, where they are called back to ask for more information about why they visited us. That is an example of lead generation, and how we can better understand a potential customer.
Since the early days of the internet, as far back as when Amazon was simply a book store, ‘lead generation’ has been in some form or another. Landing pages can instantly give an impression and a lead, but without going a step further, they could go somewhere else after losing interest.
So what else could be done??
Blog Posts
This very post you’re reading (and I hope my other posts as well) can be an example of lead generation. It’s also a way of visitors understanding who’s behind the business, and how we see technology shaping part of our future going forward, while also looking back to understand what people did or didn’t enjoy about past technology. Comments are a good way of readers interacting with the author to give their opinion of the topic in question, but it can also optimise future ideas for other posts; so it could influence more or less of the topic written about.?