Generating Leads Online for any business
Josh Herman
I live for the deals. Nationwide home buyer focused on helping sellers and revitalizing communities.
Hey everybody,
It’s Josh from JCH Publishing Group. We’re an advertising agency in Perris, CA that specializes in Facebook ads. Truth be told, we’re pretty bada** when it comes to helping small businesses make more money online (whatever the channel).
If you’re wondering how generating leads online for any business works… then you’re in the right place.
How to find leads for sales can be complicated...
...especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. This quick (and practical) guide will give you the exact steps we use to generate leads online for any business.
Firstly, you have to know the structure and process to actually start getting leads online because without that nothing you do will work. And so you might be thinking, “alright Josh… So what do I do?”
Step #1: Knowing Your Market
This is by far the most important starting step in generating leads online because without knowing who you’re going to target, everything else will be less effective. And, by less effective -- I mean wasting money on advertising (targeting the wrong people) and paying too much for each lead (otherwise known as Cost Per Lead).
If you’re reading this and you’re already in business, then you probably already have an idea of who your market is, which means this step will be a lot easier for you to generate leads online in today’s world.
There’s tons of different ways you can do market research, but we won’t be going over them here. If you want to understand a bit more of how you can effectively research your particular market, then check out this article I wrote.
Step #2: Creating An Offer
The second thing that you gotta figure out is what you’re going to offer your market to get them to “bite” and fill out their information. I could write a whole book on offers, but to make things quick and easy I want you to understand one thing. When it comes to creating an offer, think of massive value. Your bait offer doesn’t have to cost you a dime, but you have to give somebody something that makes them think “WOW!! I just got hoooked up.” Can you remember a time when you got something that really made you feel excited and amazed that you got it for free. I think we all can. Even if it’s not free, people will pay for what they think is an amazing deal.
Work with your team to identify offers for your business that will convert. The main thing to remember when it comes to how to find leads for sales, I mean leads that take action, whether it’s filling out your opt-in form (more on that later) or buying a product is to give them something that wows them.
Step #3: Driving Traffic
Generating leads online for any business... easy if you have the right pieces to the puzzle. Imagine trying to unlock a lock without the right combination. It wouldn’t work. Same goes for internet marketing. When you want leads that turn into customers, it all comes down to your approach. Inside this article, I just taught you that firstly you need to understand your audience and craft an offer that they actually want to take advantage of. Without driving traffic, the other two won’t work.
The best way to drive traffic to generate leads online for any business is simply to use paid advertising. By paid advertising, I mean things like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Those are two big platforms that local businesses trying to advertise online don’t use, or even worse… They’re using them wrong.
It takes money to make money, as they say… It couldn’t be truer if you’re wondering how to find leads for sales online.
Here’s an overview of ways you can drive traffic to generate leads online for your business:
Paid Traffic:
- Facebook Ads
- Instagram Ads
- Google Ads (YouTube as well)
- Bing Ads
- Snapchat Ads
- Niche bloggers & Influencer Marketing
Organic Traffic: (Free Traffic)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- YouTube Videos
- Content Writing (Blogging)
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Etc.)
Obviously, there’s more ways than that to find leads for sales online for your business, but I think being spread too thin is something you don’t want to do until you have the resources to do it.
Want JCH Publishing Group to help you grow your business?
We’re doing FREE ON-BOARDING SESSIONS that will give you the exact strategies needed to generate leads online for your business.
Best Regards,